Ballad of Lost Love

Beneath the gray sky
drizzle wetting his cheeks
a young man stands
gazing at the grave of his beloved
Withered flowers
mark a tragic departure
a love once so beautiful
now vanished like morning dew

Beautiful memories swirl
within his mind
the sweet smile of his love
her melodious laughter
sacred promises whispered
under the moonlight
now swallowed
by the dark night

A heart that once rejoiced
is now shattered into pieces
The world feels empty
without her presence
He longs for warm embraces
for words of love
that will never return

Each night
he dreams of meeting her
walking together in the garden
of beautiful flowers
But when he awakens
only sadness remains
His heart grows more wounded
more painful still

Time continues to pass
yet the wounds refuse to heal
Eternal love
now buried in a grave
He will love her forever
until the end of his days
even though she has gone
far from his sight
