My Approach to the Odd Ones Out Ruleset: : A Water Splinter Strategy


In Splinterlands, the "Odd Ones Out" ruleset can turn a match on its head, limiting your card choices to those with even mana costs. Knowing your cards inside out is crucial for crafting a winning strategy. Today, I'll share my approach to this ruleset using the Water Splinter, with Kelya Frendul as my summoner.

Using Odd Ones Out ruleset to win a Diamond level Modern League battle!

We have three rulesets in effect: Odd Ones Out, Holy Protection and Blood and Sunder:


RULESET: Odd Ones Out



Only units with odd mana costs may be used.

Summoners are not affected by this rule.


The Strategy

Why Kelya Frendul?

Kelya Frendul, a rare summoner from the Chaos Legion set, is a powerhouse for the Water Splinter. She boosts the speed of all friendly units and provides them with a shield, offering both offensive and defensive advantages. At only $17 for a maxed-out version, Kelya is an invaluable addition to any deck, especially considering her synergy with the monsters in this strategy.

The Core Team: Synergy and Strategy

Noa the Just is a formidable tank with impressive stats and abilities that make her difficult to hit and capable of debuffing enemy armor. Her combination of high speed and evasiveness ensures she dodges many attacks, while her Rust ability reduces enemy armor, making it easier for your team to deal damage.

Kulu Mastermind is the linchpin of this strategy. As a legendary weapons training monster, Kulu enhances the melee damage of Noa the Just and Merdaali Guardian, transforming them into significant threats. His own stats and abilities make him a fearsome combatant, capable of dealing massive damage while withstanding enemy attacks.

Merdaali Guardian is essential for sustaining Noa the Just. Her healing and armor repair abilities keep your frontline tank alive longer, while her Strengthen ability boosts the health of all friendly monsters, adding to the overall durability of your team.

Uraeus targets the enemy's backline, dealing steady damage with his Sneak ability. The added poison effect ensures that even if he doesn't outright defeat an enemy, they will continue to take damage over time, pressuring your opponent's support monsters

Pelacor Bandit complements Uraeus by also focusing on the enemy backline. His high speed and flying ability make him hard to hit, while his Sneak attack adds to the cumulative damage on enemy support monsters.

Battle Plan

Frontline Durability with Noa the Just: Noa's high speed and evasiveness make her an excellent tank, capable of withstanding and dodging enemy attacks. Her Rust ability helps reduce enemy armor, allowing your team to deal more damage.

Damage Amplification with Kulu Mastermind: Kulu not only deals significant damage himself but also boosts the melee damage of Noa and Merdaali Guardian, making them formidable attackers. His Opportunity ability ensures he targets the enemy's weakest points, maximizing his impact.

Sustain and Strengthen with Merdaali Guardian: Merdaali keeps your frontline healthy with her Tank Heal and Armor Repair abilities. Her Strengthen ability increases the overall health of your team, improving their survivability.

Backline Pressure with Uraeus and Pelacor Bandit: Uraeus and Pelacor Bandit focus on the enemy's support monsters, disrupting their strategy and dealing continuous damage. Their combined efforts ensure that the enemy's backline is under constant threat.

When deploying this strategy in the Odd Ones Out ruleset, it's crucial to position your monsters effectively. Place Noa the Just at the front to absorb and dodge hits. Kulu Mastermind should follow, providing damage and support to Noa. Merdaali Guardian should be positioned to heal and repair as needed. Finally, Uraeus and Pelacor Bandit should be placed in the last two positions to maximize their Sneak attacks.

This combination leverages the strengths of each monster, creating a cohesive and powerful team. By understanding and utilizing the abilities and synergies of your cards, you can dominate the Odd Ones Out ruleset and secure victory for your team.


The Summoner

Kelya Frendul is a rare summoner from the Chaos Legion set. This summoner is one of the best summoners in the game for the price. It boosts speed of all friendly units and gives them shield. For only $17 for a maxed out version this is a must have summoner.

1st Slot - 2nd Slot - Backfiring Martyr Shield Removing Evasive Tank Monster

Noa the Just is a great tank to use in conjunction with Kulu Mastermind that gives it three melee attack. Noa has great stats: base speed of six, six shield and seven health with some really great abilities: Rusted, Backfire, Evasiveness and Martyr.

2nd Slot - Weapons Training Opportunity Monster

Kulu Mastermind is another soul bound rewards card. This legendary weapons training monster has great synergy with Noa the Just and Merdaali Guardian equipping both with three melee damage. Additionally Kulu is a great card on its own with five melee damage, four speed and nine health. It has great abilities: Weapons Training, Opportunity, Shield and Enrage.

3rd Slot - Support Monster

Merdaali Guardian is a Chaos Legion Core set member. She is a great support monster that has tank heal, armor repair and strengthen abilites. She is very helpful in keeping Noa the Just in the game much longer.

4th Slot - Sneak Monster

Uraeus is a great sneak monster from the original Chaos Rewards set. This epic rarity monster has three melee damage, four speed, one shield and four health points. It also comes with sneak and poison abilities.

5th Slot - Sneak Monster

Pelacor Bandit is another original Chaos Legion Rewards set member, this three mana monster has great base speed of six, four melee damage, five health and sneak and fly abilities.



Looks like my opponent one of the many Bltzr Wizards that I see in modern diamond league also went with Kelya and most of the same monsters, but without Kulu and with different positioning, let's see who prevails!

In the first round not much has transpired, this looks to be a long battle...

In the second round we took out their support monster which could prove to be key, but we did loose our Bandit, which was very unfortunate...

In round three we lost our last sneak monster to backfire from their Noa which was a real bummer, but we did manage to take out their tank. This looks like a close fight!

Round four nothing remarkable happened

In round five we lost our support monster, but took out their true strike monster:

Finally in round seven we took out their last damage dealer and now unless we die from backfire the win is all ours:

Round nine brought us the victory over the Baltazar Wizard!

616 Glint and 10.61 SPS tokens is our reward.


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