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I sure hope Hive watchers come up with a list of rules that have do's and dont's. People from all over the world come aboard not knowing what crypto is and often they are confused about what to do or how to go about it. It would be easier for everyone if there was a list of rules. Even for the employees of the Hive watchers team.
I also agree that farming and plagiarism be stopped without fail but it should be taken into consideration that even the worst of criminals are given a chance before being sentenced. Making mistakes while blogging on a crypto website is not a crime that invites such harsh punishments.
Thank you for being here for us.

Posted using Neoxian City

9.060 NEOXAG


Original content, every time, or burn rewards.
Source any work/photography not your own.
Flag abuse, at least by a trail.
Watch what is being flagged.
Speak out IF you see abusive flagging.

Be nice, if you can.
We are tying to have fun here.

0.000 NEOXAG

Most of what you state is true, but not all.

"...a trail."

Is automating human social interaction. I have long held that is deprecation of the human values that social interaction provides, as you know.

It is telling you advocate for it on a post advocating for letting AI simply replace human social interaction on Hive.

You know I am not @hivewatchers most stalwart advocate, yet I do not disagree with their disapproval of AI posts submitted as user content. I do disagree with what they will do about it, but primarily because what they do about it is mostly necessary because of the inhuman weight of mere money in all things Hive.

We have far more important values, every one of us breathing, than mere commercial ease of access, which is all money is, and as we do not rationally and functionally weight these values we suffer society deranged by those we advance instead. This is why Hive is ruled by an oligarchy, and this is also why scammers will use AI to earn tokens on Hive.

I have stated it elsewhere, and keep having to repeat it, so I will link to it's original application on @hivewatchers blog.

"...your suggestion that my comment, or part of it, be used to prompt AI for a response which could then be posted as a response to me, has already been done, albeit elsewhere. When this happened it was immediately noticeable, and I noted that in my response. The poster that did this soon lost interest in the topic, and quit the conversation, which I suspect will be the fate of any who do this regarding substantive matters.

"If your only participation in society is as the AI prompter and reposter, society is of little interest to you, and it will be less after you start serving AI commentary, because that's a pretty crappy job with little prospect of advancement. It will never pay well, because it's zero skill and easy entry, and not ever will it engage or tax your faculties, touch on your interests, or enable any intellectual or personal growth - even if you never get challenged on it and can keep doing it forever.

"You will only feel smart the first time you do it.

"As I have always said, Hive is a society that has far higher values than it's token. People that parasitize Hive only for it's tokens have little actual interest in Hive. There will always be greener pastures, more happy climes, more conducive environs that such people will inevitably depart to, freeing the rest of us from their parasitic cost.

"If you resort to using AI to edit your posts, you will never improve your ability to write English, and the task will become burdensome to you. If you enjoy discussing things on Hive, you'll write your own posts and comments, and will get better at writing as you practice it, all while deriving ever greater rewards than whatever upvotes on your posts provide.

"Abusing AI plagiaristically is not fair to anyone on Hive, but least to who does so."

It is the financial rewards that will cause people to do this, because it is clearly contrary to human values to do it. If Hive rectifies it's weighting of values to elevate free speech to it's rightful heady place, the futility of using AI to earn shekels from plagiarism will decrease to insignificance. As long as Hive instead elevates financial weight, as AI improves, @hivewatchers will lose any capacity to impact it.

The law of physics mandates what technology can exist. We order our society by our values, and needs must acknowledge we cannot bribe, bamboozle, or blackmail the law of physics as we do so. Going forward we will continually face ever more disruption of civil society as mammon undertakes to overwhelm all other values and technology renders it insipid.

Hive can act to recognize reality, or become evidence of evolution, and we are the deciders.

0.000 NEOXAG


All users that are blacklisted are offered an appeal. It is true that they face no real-life consequences for the actions that harm the Hive Ecosystem. In the end, they are all anonymous or no one cares about what they do on Hive. When the "abusers" are caught they simply open another anon account. It's an infinite struggle to fight with users who are basically invisible, have no identity and never face consequences outside of Hive.

0.000 NEOXAG

What is the meaning or history behind your blocktext typing? you know it breaks word wrap and makes you look like a lunatic right?

0.000 NEOXAG