

You cannot really understand the subject of marriage without an understanding from the One who instituted it Himself and that is God.

Almighty God created marriage by making Eve, the first woman out from the ribs of the first man, Adam and He said:

"a man will leave his father and mother and will be joined to his wife and they both shall become one flesh."
Genesis 2 : 24

Marriage is the divine union of a man and a woman to become husband and wife so they can together, fulfil God's purpose for their lives and raise a godly family. That's the whole purpose of it.

Although, society has made it look otherwise in the sense that when a man and woman fall in love, they get married, have children, grow old and die. A very unfulfilled and empty life because they miss the main purpose for marriage.

A lot of married people have made me see marriage as a beautiful thing while some, as a burden because of their experiences. People get married for so many reasons with so many hopes and that is what decides the kind of marriage they will have, whether successful or not.


Some marry because of love, societal pressure, family pressure, age, envy, because it's in the line of things to do when one comes of age or just because they don't want to be promiscuous or want to quit it and some marry so they can appear responsible and maybe, get a particular political, religious or financial position.

Although, my parents gave me a very good teaching on the subject both on the good and not so good aspects of it.

My Mum and Dad complement themselves. My Mum being the strict one and my Dad, the easy-going one.
When things aren't going on well with my Dad, he has a shoulder to lean on, someone to talk to. When my Mum has a lot going on too, she has someone beside her to strengthen her. They share their joys, challenges, achievements, plans, also the responsibility of taking care of us, their children.


From them, I learnt three very important things about marriage and they are:

  1. God : Life is spiritual and so is marriage. No marriage can stand without God because He's the One who instituted it. He's the best Person and most important factor in marriage. He is the One who can guide and direct you to marry the right person and help you have a successful marriage.
  2. Trust: You can spend the rest of your life with someone if you don't trust the person. This is vital in a marriage and keeps it.
  3. Understanding: When couples understand each other, they live peacefully, respect and value themselves.

Marriage is amazing, yes it is work and comes with a lot of challenges but it is totally worth it because it is God's plan and as long as He is involved, He will make it beautiful and fulfilling.

That'd be all for now...

Till next time beautiful soul... ❤️❤️

This is my response to the Hive Learners Weekly Engagement Prompt, you can have fun checking it out!!

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5.569 NEOXAG


Without the permission of God nothing can happen. Whatever we are doing or saying before that we accept it.
Understanding and trust indeed a great element which helps to enjoy a happy married life.

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes dear,God has to be involved in marriage for it to work and be peaceful..

0.000 NEOXAG

Truly, many people miss out on the true meaning and beauty of marriage in their quest for societal acceptance, financial independence, entering into a new status or just to avoid embarrassment. And same people after few years will say that marriage is a cage, and they'll be looking for divorce... chai!!!

Itis well!

E go better sha

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes oh my boss, it will. Like my na, I'm waiting for the day you'll get married so I fo chop wessing rice tire.
Thank you so kindly for stopping by. 😊

0.000 NEOXAG

People get married for reasons that are just so not worth it, and then at the end of the day, they rush out of it. Without God, nothing ever works well and without God in your marriage, is like driving a car without a break

0.000 NEOXAG

without God in your marriage, is like driving a car without a break

Beautifully said dear. Shebi I said you should become a marriage Counsellor 🙃

Thanks for stopping by dear

0.000 NEOXAG

😅are you sure it was me😄
You're welcome 🤗

0.000 NEOXAG