Tokenization – The Maturation Of Digitization

Narratives Dictate

This cycle, like any other cycle has trending narratives such as AI, DePIN, and RWA. Many of these sectors have tremendous futures. However, they are outmatched by tokenization and RWA. Some might think this is contrary to what I recently wrote regarding DePIN. However, I addressed the potential of income generation for the average person and how DePIN was and is the best sector to achieve this outcome.

In other words, profiting from tokenization and real-world assets will require investment capital. It is practically impossible to gain exposure without deploying capital. DePIN, on the other hand, can generate passive income by turning your devices into nodes and generating a form of passive income. As I mentioned, receiving $600 worth of GRASS tokens for downloading a browser extension is effortless and passive.

Sure, I had the help of a few referrals. However, It’s an ongoing avenue of income that will continue to grow. Ongoing earnings from the Grass application and staking rewards achieve this. Essentially, DePIN applications have the power to produce investment capital for alternative assets, if so desired. So, yes, DePIN is better positioned than any sector when you view it in this context.

Not Just A Narrative

DePIN will experience monstrous growth and AI will be infused into many sectors and aspects of everyday life. However, tokenization, which incorporates real-world assets by default, is more than a narrative. It has been said for many years that we are in a digital age. This is true to a point. However, tokenization is the final and all-encompassing transition to complete digitization.

When all real-world assets are on-chain and ownership is proven and transferred via blockchains and blockchain protocols, it will no longer be a trend or a “sector” but common practice. Anything that becomes common practice experiences the most expansion and appreciation. This is very difficult for some to envision. These are likely the same individuals who said cryptocurrency is a fad and has no real value or relevance.

Well, hindsight has proven them to be incorrect. Now governments are even holding an institutional-grade asset, some smarter than others. Germany has to be noted as being out of touch and irrelevant regarding its recent decision to sell its Bitcoin holdings at the most foolish time. This is not merely stated in hindsight. Anyone who understands the Crypto cycles and the broader picture can attest to this.

Accepting Bitcoin and Crypto as a valuable asset class is the non-negotiable and foundational requirement for a move to tokenization. You cannot build on land you believe to be questionable or unstable. Enormous trust needs to be established and those who embrace, adopt, and subsequently prove it to be such will lead the shift to tokenization. One of the reasons I started Sapphire Crypto was to “go on record”.

Years ago, I stated that First World countries would begin to lose their dominance and appeal. This is depicted in an article from early 2023 entitled ” The Reshaping Of Global Stratification & The Role Of Crypto”. The following is an excerpt from the article:

Looking at many First World countries gives one the impression that they are actually in a state of reversion. Once sophisticated nations, now seem to be going backward in multiple areas that are inherently critical to stability and advancement. One also needs to bear in mind that when individuals and families leave these jurisdictions, they take their wealth with them. This is likely to be invested in real estate once they arrive at their destination of choice.

Many empires of the ancient past are now not only irrelevant but avoided like a plague. Nobody is interested in living there or building anything of value there. History has a way of reshuffling the pieces on the board. Dominance today is not guaranteed tomorrow and a stubborn persistence regarding laws and policies is like taking a sledgehammer to a well-built and beautiful building.

Embracing Innovation

Countries that embrace innovation and eventually tokenization, will have the opportunity to move ahead of those who don’t. As mentioned in “The Reshaping Of Global Stratification & The Role Of Crypto” once there is mass migration and associated wealth, the result is an improvement. This is often first seen in the real estate market. Other areas of the economy begin to respond once a critical mass is achieved.

Tokenization will invade every form of ownership, it’s simply a matter of time. You can disagree, but opinions don’t matter. When I predicted the banking collapse of 2023 in 2022 many considered it an unlikely event, some perhaps, even an impossibility. However, not only was the banking collapse predicted, but a strong move for Bitcoin as a result. Subsequently, Bitcoin rallied 44% in a matter of 2 weeks.

It’s important to remember that the market was still suppressed in early 2023 and a 44% move from Bitcoin was unexpected. Once a path is plotted, the outcome is inevitable. You cannot head West and expect to arrive at a destination North. Such simple logic seems to evade many in power today. This is another catalyst for tokenization, the removal of human processing, and the many errors and delays associated with it.

Tokenized real estate can be bought and sold within 24 hours. A process that usually takes weeks and months can be performed multiple times in a single day. Advantageous technological advancements have a way of replacing the procedures of the past. Tokenization will not only have a far-reaching effect, it will revolutionize ownership.

Final Thoughts

RWA should be part of every portfolio, not only Crypto portfolios. It’s the one sector guaranteed to boom. It also offers a decent window period. What do I mean by this? It won’t simply be a narrative for this cycle. Tokenization will continue to experience enormous growth almost indefinitely. I have often said that I expect RWA to heat up during the final stages of the current bull market.

Not only that but I envision it coming into its own around 2030. It is only much later that tokenization will begin to enter its full potential. This creates an unparalleled opportunity for accumulation. Many will miss this move because they are too short-term focused. However, tokenization is undoubtedly one of the most significant opportunities of the decade. All the best and I will see you next time!


First of all, I am not a financial advisor. All information provided on this website is strictly my own opinion and not financial advice. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.

This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Not even countries, but states and cities that decide to embrace this technology will have an upper hand in the coming years, as investors and entrepreneurs who have the vision flock to crypto-friendly regions.

Also, I hope in the future, that purchasing a home or an apartment will be as simple as transferring an NFT from one account to another, and that should only take a few seconds for confirmation.
