After my last breakup, which was two years ago, I gave up on any kind of friendship. I felt like nobody was worth my time anymore. I have experienced backbiting, backstabbing, betrayal, and all forms of disappointment one can get from dating or hanging around with toxic friends. I completely gave up on making new friends for two years now. I turned into a loner, staying by myself and minding my own business. I only owe people respect and honor, so to avoid being noticed by people, I always stay in the background. I watch anime and avoid any kind of social gathering that might involve interaction that could lead to friendship.

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Staying alone isn't the problem; it's the side effects that are troublesome. I observe more, talk less, listen more, and think more. This has helped me to identify what true friendship really means. It's not about calls and text messaging; it's about being there in times of need, providing support when troublesome times arise. Emotional and financial support are crucial during those times. Someone who can't provide either of them is no friend; they're an opportunist. Over the years, I have encountered many of them, and they come and go.

I decided to walk alone until someone is worthy to walk with me. I sat next to her on the same row of chairs at a gathering. We minded our own business; no one was looking or staring. At the end of the gathering, we shook hands, and she wore a fake smile on her face. Then I knew she was also a loner. She quickly went outside, away from people, to wait for her sister and in-law. I'm not so good with names, so I forgot hers. After a few months of staying away, she came back, and we met again at the same religious gathering. This time, I tried to make jokes by speaking my language to her, which she didn't understand. She also spoke in her language, and I got lost. I quickly explained what I said, waiting for her to interpret, but she jokingly asked for payment, and we laughed about it. Then, I became interested in learning her language.

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It all started when we exchanged contacts, and she began teaching me her language. Since then, we've been good friends. We gossip about anything, talk about things that make sense and even those that don't. We discuss the future and almost everything else. I don't usually stay up late chatting, except for anime, but she dragged me into chatting until 1 am in the morning, exchanging stories. Reading through the stories is fun, especially from a good storyteller who wants to share all the details. However, trying to read while holding back sleep can be troublesome. I think I've done that for many nights.


I have had bad experiences with friendships over the years. I almost got the idea that friendship is linked with betrayal and a lot of disappointment. But this lot, like a cure to depression and bad thoughts, has made my mind come alive despite being filled with Anime and movies. My ideas have changed; there are always good friends and toxic friends, you just have to know them by the energy they give and what they say and do. I asked my friend, "What will you do if I am walking into fire and I am holding your hand, dragging you in?"

I wouldn't let you go... even if it means giving you a brain reset slap. If you insisted I'll let you go in alone then help you out and then help you heal when you're out.

Then I asked what if i don't make it?

You will because the moment you go in I'll find help to get you out you'll only sustain injuries which I'll constantly blame you for while nagging about how stubborn you're. If you don't maybe
I'll cry very well during your funeral n then I'll tell my kids about you.

This was actually the coolest reply I got from a friend that almost brought tears to my eyes. If you have a friend who is smart and caring, keep them, because they are rare.

Please tell me what you think about my new friend.
