Hive Open Mic Week 132 - Kupu-kupu Malam (Cover) by Samuel and Frans


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Hi dear friends, I am Samuel, and my friend Frans is back at the weekly Hive #openmic event which has entered its 132nd week with the theme "Woman Life Freedom". This theme was chosen by our friend @discouragedones. He is one of the most talented guitarists in the hive family and I love his guitar playing. This is a great theme for this week because we will be performing a cover of the song called “Kupu-Kupu Malam” in English which is “Night Butterfly”. This song was written by Titik Puspa in 1991 and popularized again in 2008 by Peterpan. They are a very famous Indonesian music group.

Night butterfly is a term for a prostitute. Called as Whore because they are beautiful women and come out at night to make a living. Then, were they wrong to do something like that? Who knows. Only God can judge it. The beautiful women who offer themselves at night to men are reluctant to do that. But they are forced to do so so that they can survive and bring their children or families to life.

This songwriter was interviewed about the song she composed. This song is the story of a wife who was abandoned by her husband. Because she doesn't have a job, she ends up in debt to someone. The debt was used to support several of her young children. Afraid of not being able to pay the debt, this woman finally tried to work as a housemaid. However, the job application as a housemaid was rejected.

Because she couldn't find a job, this woman couldn't pay her debts. This woman was threatened with debt collectors to be reported by the police. But this woman pleaded not to be reported by the police because she has several children to support. In the end, the man who gave the debt offered her a job as an entertainer at a nightclub. In other words, this woman was sold to a masher in a nightclub. That way, she was able to pay off her debts and also provide for her children. Sometimes life is that cruel.

Indonesian Lyric

“Ada yang benci dirinya
Ada yang butuh dirinya
Ada yang berlutut mencintanya
Ada pula yang kejam menyiksa dirinya

Kini hidup wanita si kupu-kupu malam
Bekerja bertaruh seluruh jiwa raga
Bibir senyum kata halus merayu memanja
Kepada setiap mereka yang datang

Dosakah yang dia kerjakan
Sucikah mereka yang datang
Kadang dia tersenyum dalam tangis
Kadang dia menangis di dalam senyuman

Oh apa yang terjadi. terjadilah
Yang dia tahu Tuhan penyayang umatnya
Oh apa yang terjadi. terjadilah
Yang dia tahu hanyalah menyambung nyawa”

English Lyric

“Someone hates her
Someone needs her
Someone's kneeling in love
There are also those who are cruel to torture themselves

Now live the woman the night butterfly
Work bets the whole soul
Lips smile smooth words seduce pampered
To everyone who comes

What sin did she do
Holy are those who come
Sometimes she smiles in tears
Sometimes she cries in a smile

Oh what happened. happen
All she knows is that God loves her people
Oh what happened. happen
All she knows is to continue her life”

Lyric Source by Azlyrics

That's all I can tell you. Thank you very much for visiting my post. I hope you are entertained by the musical performances that we provide. Below we also include a link from their youtube video if you want to listen to the song from the original version. Thank you and nice to meet you.

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0.094 NEOXAG


Wait, are you guys Korean?
This song sounds so korean and beautiful as in.... I had to put it on repeat.
This is so beautiful and lovely.

Have a great day pal!

0.000 NEOXAG

no bro, we are not from korea, we are from indonesia
have a nice day too bro😁

0.000 NEOXAG

saludos me encanto tu presentacion,tienes una voz muy sutil y llena de sentimientos gracias por traer tu voz a esta familia

0.000 NEOXAG

gracias querida por tus palabras, me siento afortunada de poder conocer a todos los miembros de esta comunidad, esta es una comunidad genial y muy constructiva

0.000 NEOXAG

wow, that's a really good song. I like the lyrics and the message the author conveys. Good job friend.

0.000 NEOXAG

I am very excited to have musicians like you being an active part of our community. There is a magic in the videos you present. All your interpretations are loaded with a lot of feeling and you know how to transmit it to the public. I congratulate you for the weekly effort you make to earn your place among the favorites. A hug for both of you...

Saya sangat senang memiliki musisi seperti Anda yang menjadi bagian aktif dari komunitas kami. Ada keajaiban dalam video yang Anda sajikan. Semua penampilan Anda sarat dengan banyak perasaan dan Anda tahu bagaimana cara menyampaikannya kepada penonton. Saya mengucapkan selamat kepada Anda atas upaya mingguan yang Anda lakukan untuk menonjol di antara para favorit. Sebuah pelukan untuk Anda berdua!.


0.000 NEOXAG

thank you for continuing to support us, jesuslnrs, your support greatly affects our growth here

0.000 NEOXAG

Qué bonito cantas Te deseo mucha suerte para estar semana

0.000 NEOXAG

gracias hermosa, te deseo suerte esta semana también

0.000 NEOXAG

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Cómo siempre amigos haciendo un buen trabajo bsigan así

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