Hello, Hive family! 👋

So I thought it would be interesting to give you a peek into a typical day of my life. For me, my days are filled with a mix of creativity, fun, and productivity. It is an opportunity to learn, grow, and become a better version of myself.

My morning starts around 6:30 AM with a series of exercises in my compound to keep my body fit, reduce health risks, relieve me of aches, among other benefits. These exercises include push-ups, walking, leg raise, jogging, and more. After completing my workout, I head straight to the bathroom to have a cool bath and get prepared to start the day. Following this, I have my breakfast, which serves as fuel for the day 😀. Next, which is one of my favorite parts of the day, I read blogs and catch up on trends. I do this a lot to get updates on current happenings around me and in the world at large. Also, reading blogs get me inspired (most times) to write. After that, I get my laptop and begin to write as inspired, whether I am drafting a new blog for my Hive account or creating material for a project. Writing enables me share my experiences, whether they are personal reflections, lifestyle, programming tips, or design insights. I've always used writing as a therapeutic outlet, and Hive offers a fantastic method to meet other people who share my interests.

By mid-morning, I transition to graphic design, which is more visually inventive. This is a nice diversion from writing to express my artistic side. For creating designs, whether it's for a blog post, social media, or a personal branding effort, I make use of Adobe Photoshop. I actually started learning graphic design some years ago, but due to schooling, I had to put a pause to it to avoid distraction 😟. One may wonder if I can still find my way around Adobe Photoshop effectively; To answer that, yes! I clearly do 😃.


The above image was one of the designs I made years ago. I sure can make better designs now (not to brag though😄). Once I learn something and it becomes ingrained in my memory, I find it easy to retain that knowledge even following protracted idleness. Anyway, back to my day. Another thing I try not to miss out on is making beats or music. I so much love music. I practically listen to music every day and due to my love for music, I have passion to create what I enjoy hearing. I started making beats and songs since 2015.

small boy producer.png


Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with various artistes, one of whom has had his song (whose beat I produced) played on various television channels, radio stations and streamed on various streaming platforms. It is a gift I am intentional about nurturing. Making a beat on a typical day takes me 2-3 hours. It may not be easy to put various elements together but it is a task I approach with patience and enjoyment.

After working for hours during the day, I have dinner. After eating, I like to unwind with something enjoyable😋. My relaxation routine includes a lot of music. Playing my favorite music videos or discovering new musicians on YouTube is something I like doing.


Music always makes me feel better and provides me with the necessary mental break. Another thing I do to relax is watch movies, which is a fantastic way to unwind. I usually find myself wanting to watch a sci-fi movie on my small flat screen television or laptop, since they always pique my interest.


I also watch tutorials on UI/UX design, which is an area I am really focusing on.
As the day winds down, I take some time to consider my accomplishments. I think it's crucial to acknowledge and appreciate tiny victories, such as completing a new design project, making a sound (beat or song), completing programming projects, or writing blogs. I also write down some chores for the following day before going to bed. Because I have so much on my plate—from writing to designing to programming—making a plan in advance helps me stay organized. At the end of the day, I read for a little while (sometimes on Hive), brush up on any missed communications, and get ready for another busy day. I usually strive to go to bed with a clear head since I know that keeping creative requires sleep.

So, this is just a typical day of my life, which consists of how my day goes. Although, there are exceptions such as days where I get to engage in other activities which includes programming and developing frontends for web apps.

Thanks for spending a day with me!


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