Best Crypto Advice: "Take Responsibility"


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Taking responsibility could be so difficult when it comes to finances. It is one of human nature I think, we always want to find something/someone to blame. "Oh, if only Steph curry had nailed that 3, the spread would have covered and my bet won", "I think it's my entry point, I should have waited a bit instead of following Winners' trade platform prediction".

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Truth is, we always have to take responsibility for whatever we do because, at the end of the day, we alone take home the "L"

I get into conversations with people and they keep complaining about how much money they have lost in crypto and how they could have done things differently if only this or that. Many haven't accepted their loss or taken responsibility for it.

Months ago I was doing well financially compared to now that I'm struggling. I sometimes think about how things went wrong and if I could have done things differently. I have taken full responsibility for every one of my actions that led to this point, loans, travels, trading risks, etc. The thing I've come to understand about taking responsibility is that it helps you move on. Blaming others or something only lets your losses affect your next moves.


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DYOR stands for "Do Your Own Research" and is a common phrase used by cryptocurrency enthusiasts. One of the reasons why is to avoid the blame game. It's funny how many don't want to even use the Internet. I still get remarks like "You sure say this coin go moon?" How exactly will you put a coin's growth expectancy on Sam's word. I still have a friend who blames me for his crypto losses. He bought burger at $20 and crypto crashed almost immediately. Now burger trades at $2.20! Poor sam, I would forever be blamed.

In Conclusion...

I just wanted to put this out there. I think it is important for everyone to take responsibility of their actions especially as regards to their finances. The blame game doesn't help.

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I am @samostically,I love to talk and write about chess because i benefited alot from playing chess. sometimes i share my thoughts on life in general and i write about my love for hive!
I love to engage with others and i love communication.I believe life is all about staying happy and maintaining peace.


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Thanks For Reading!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


even the big fish don't know what the fuck they're doing. just look at 3ac and celsius and voyager all just in the past two months. billions of dollars just leveraged on leveraged like absolute retards.

pretty fucking funny honestly as the whole world is burning down, they're just getting hustled themselves
