You Can Overcome Laziness [Part 1]
There are sometimes that humans may exhibit some traits or behaviour that may come as a detriment to their progress in life and may even reduce their productivity. Laziness is one of these behaviours that is detrimental to humans and should be overcome. Obviously, it is either you stop laziness on time or it ultimately stops you. The good thing is that it is very possible to overcome laziness, which will in turn, lead to more results and better productivity. Here, we shall take a look at ways to overcome laziness.
1. Have a goal
There is something to motivate you and make you to take up actions, and that thing is called "goal." The first and obviously the most important thing to consider in your quest to overcome laziness is to create a dream. Of course, if you do not have a reason to wake up in the morning and to pursue after what you have created, then sleeping will become interesting. There is a reason why people will wake in the morning, prepare and leave the house; because they want to fulfil the demands for the day.
When creating your goals, you should understand that it can either be immediate, short-term, or even long-term. However, it should not be an impossible goal, so that it will not end up becoming a discouragement to you. More so, your goals should be clearly stated to avoid confusion and ambiguity, then it has to be something that it doable and includes the processes to take to achieve it. One should also note that you have to be able to measure the success rate of your goals to know if you are actually on the right course or you are just beating on the air. If the goal looks a bit too big to be taken at once, it will be good for you to break it up into segments or even into micro-dreams and then going after them independently.
2. Have a plan and a routine
When you have created your dreams, you have to make plans towards it and then create a routine of how your actions will be. You can even write down the plans you have concerning the goals if it will help you to take actions towards it. One thing to also increase your zeal towards the pursuit of your goals and ultimately overcoming laziness is to make your plans and your routine as enjoyable as possible. People tend to be drawn towards doing what they like to do or what they derive fun in doing. So you see, it is not bad in making your routines to be fun.
Your routine should follow your plans and when you repeat it over and again, it will become a part of you. When you follow a particular routine, it gives you a sense of mission, and it will give you the required oomph to keep undertaking the required actions. I remember when a close friend started his gyming sessions, he drew out a plan to follow and when he started doing it, it became a routine for him. A day will not pass without him going for his routine gym. The routine gave him a sense of mission which gave him the push to keep doing more.
3. Get started
You cannot effectively overcome laziness until you take up actions. Without making a move, you will still remain in your state of dormancy. With all the "said and done," what will make sense is when you start putting to actions what you have resolved. If you are waiting for your resolution to overcome laziness to automatically make you to overcome it, you will continue in your state of dormancy. You may have a wish, and a will, but the results comes from putting in the required actions and efforts. The first step you take towards your goals will become a very important step because it will set you on the right part towards overcoming laziness.
Words are good, thoughts are good, dreams are good, goals are good, but what will validate all of them is the action you have put towards them. A little action is worth thousands of empty spoken words and millions of wishful thinking. Remember that if you want something to work for you; including your quest towards overcoming laziness; then you have to make it work by taking the required actions.
Thanks for reading