The Prices Of Success You Are To Pay


As a way of introduction, I want to remind you that success is not delivered through cheap talk, neither is it gotten on a platter of gold, there are obvious prices to be paid for it. Just like in a race, being listed among the competitors does not automatically qualify you to receive the prize, you must work for it by running the race and winning it. This is the reason it has been said that "true success is not gifted, it is earned." It is not the way you started or your attempt that is rewarded, it is your consistency and ultimately finishing well that qualifies you for the prize. Here, we shall look at a few prices to pay if success is the ultimate prize.


Image from Pixabay

1. Think positively, think success

The first step in actualizing success is to think the success. The thought of the mind sets the precedence for success to be achieved. You cannot think failure all the time and expect to get success. What ultimately becomes of your life is directly related to the thoughts of your mind. This is because your thoughts go a long way to influence many other aspects of your life, like your actions, attitude, character, disposition, etc. So if your thoughts are not positive enough to trigger a positive action in you, then you need to have a change of thoughts.

You do not have to always think about the problems at hand, why not think about the solutions instead? The human thoughts hold so much potency that they are like sowing a seed, and we all know what happens when seeds are sown; they grow bigger and multiply into fruits. In the same way, thoughts may start small in the mind, but if nurtured, it will become dominant and then multiply into actions and results.

2. Take relevant actions

It does not matter how big your dreams may look like or how deep your thoughts are, what substantiates them is action. Without taking actions based on your ideas, there is nothing to succeed at. Have you ever seen an athlete always wishing to receive the award for the fastest Olympics runner but does not take part in any race? He will just end up daydreaming and achieving nothing. To achieve your desired success, there is a need for you to complement your thoughts with actions. More often than not, what people regret the most is not the steps that they took and didn't get it, but the steps they did not take. So always follow up your ideas with actions.

However, you should also know that the actions that will yield the desired result has to be done rightly and has to be done promptly. The results of an action can be diluted by delaying the actions. So as you create your dreams, you should be sure to put in prompt actions towards it. Take that step that you have ever wanted to take now. It is not enough for the right actions to be done, but the time it is done also affects the outcome of the action. One thing to always have in mind is that the opportunity to take an action will not wait for you to get ready, you are the one that needs to stay ready and wait for the opportunity.


Image from Pixabay

3. Don't give up

There may be times when you will try out something or take an action but it will not yield the desired result, at that point you may be tempted to throw in the towel, but if you must success, then you should not give up. That you failed at an attempt does not mean that your dreams are not potent and it does not mean that you will not succeed with the next attempt.

When trying again, you should know that if you try in the same way as you did the last time that you failed, you may be met with the same fate. So you have to change your methods and your format. Try differently. Even though the ultimate prize is the success of your ideas, there are many routes to get to it, so do not be stuck at a particular format that you failed at in the past.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Our minds are so powerful that if we don't control it, it will control us. If we create good Ideas in our heads and just sit down without putting it to work, it's the same thing as not having a plan at all.

No matter how swift we are at the beginning of a race, it we later go behind no body will remember that you started well, no wonder the saying, it's not how well but how far.

It's always a pleasure to read from you.


Nice words here dear friend @hopestylist. Thanks a lot for dropping by, and for your valuable comment.

Best regards


You're always welcome, you know it's your write up that inspires my comment, so thank you 🤗.


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