The Power To Leverage On Necessity


There is almost nothing of value that you achieve by laxity or by comfortability but by necessity. Take a look at the people that have made it big both in the recent past and the present, they were all committed to their course and made sacrifices that you may not even imagine. I remember when the world's fastest man; Hussein Bolt, shared his routine exercise, it was almost like a torture to others, but to him it was necessary for his success. He had to train for kilometres just for a race of 100 meters. It is not surprising how he was able to achieve so much success in the game of running. When you see the goal you want to achieve as a necessity, you will stop at nothing to achieve it.


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It is worthy to note thay necessity is prerequisite for discovery. I once read how the stethoscope was invented by the physician of the ancient times; René Laennec, who got tired of having to always place his ears directly on the cheat region of his patients in order to read their heartbeat. Over the years, that was the norm and physicians and other health professionals did not have problem with that. But René Laennec saw a necessity to change the norm and that was how he moved to find a viable solution to put an end to what has been going on. That was the idea that led to the discovery of the stethoscope. So in one word, you will say that it was discovered out of "necessity."

Without putting necessity into what you do, you will not break free from limitations. Take this instance: when you are writing your final exams in school, you will agree with me that you put in extra efforts than you did when you were in the first year. This is simply because of the fact that something bigger (which is your degree certificate) is at stake. This shows you that even passing exam is by necessity and not a function of convenience or laxity. The truth about life is that it will only deliver to you what you have earnestly contended for, not what you think you deserve.

You will be surprised how many people are also struggling to get what you are hoping to get. Whether you like it or not, life has already placed you into an intense competition which you will choose to either face squarely or allow it to overwhelm you. If what you are hoping to get is not forthcoming, then you need to ask yourself the sincere question about why it is not coming and then do things differently. You cannot continue to do the same thing in exactly the same fashion you have been doing it and hope for a better result. For a better result to come, then you have to make your approach to life better.

One the you also need to understand is that the things that happen are made to happen and not a matter of incidence. So you cannot live your life by chance and hope to achieve a trailblazing feat in life. The people that have set the pace, found new and better paths, and have blazed the trail are people that have learnt to move out of their comfort zone and try out something new. When do not like how things are happening or the manner in which they are occuring, or maybe there are things you expect to have happened that did not happen, then you need to take a stand and do the needful. It is only when you pay the required price that you become entitled to receive the prize.


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During the ancient times, who taught the ancestors of modern humans how to cook food? Of course, it can simply be said that they found it necessary and they moved into action to get it fulfilled. Until your goals stirs in you the "necessity mindset," then you are not ready for success. There is nothing that has value without obvious price to be paid. As a farmer for example; it is only when you have planted your seeds during the planting season that you will be ready to get your harvest during the harvest season. Without planting, then harvest is not in view. I conclude with these words that I once heard from the mouth of my mentor, he said:

You may have a lot of options in life, but in the case of emergency, you will know the power of necessity.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Reading your words reminded me overwhelmingly of 2 characters who made music history: Brian May, who built his own guitar out of salvaged wood and a fireplace beam and the electrical system (pick-up) was made by his father.
The other, Robert Plant who left his parents' home and set out to become someone in the music business: in 1968 he signed Led Zeppelin's first album.

This is to say that if you really want something you go get it!


Excellently written. When someone desperately wants to achieve something, then impossibilities cease to exist.

Thanks buddy
