Moving On From The Past
No matter how much you sulk over the past, it cannot change it, rather it will keep you from advancing. You should realise that what has past has already past and there is no way to edit it. No doubt, the things that were done in the past are what gave birth to the present, and you cannot change that. However, the future is within your reach and abilities to change by changing the present.

If you have looked well, you would have noticed that the windscreen of vehicle is always bigger when compared to the rear glass. Well, this is because where you are going to (the front - future) holds more importance than the back - past. If, as a driver, you always look back through the rear glass, your forward motion will be impeded and you may even crash your vehicle. In the same way, if you constantly dwell in the past, it will be impossible for you to access the future.
There are some people that are stuck at the same spot simply because they have held on to the past without letting go. Holding on to the past may deter you from making advancements. The only thing that the past serves is to teach lessons but not to tie you down, so do not allow yourself to be tied down by your past. Even if you have had errors in the past, the only thing you need to do is to bounce back and learn from the errors. The error of the past does not have to define your future, but that is only if you have moved on from it.
To move on from the past, you have to first learn to forgive yourself over the mistakes of the past. That you forgive yourself for the wrong you did in the past does not mean that you have ticked what you did as good, but it means that you have channeled your energy to live above your past and focus on the present and the future. Moving from the past does not mean that you should leave your past unsettled. Obviously, you need to make peace with your past so that it will not serve as an enemy and come back to haunt your future, but you should not brood over past mistakes.
One thing to also know is that you cannot forgive others if you have not deemed it fit to forgive yourself over yesterday's errors. The weight of unforgiveness for past errors can becloud your access to your future. Holding on to the past is likened to someone trying to mix up a new wine with an old wine inside an old bottle, he will end ruining the whole thing. To put new wine, you have to look for a new container. In the same way, to create a better tomorrow, you have to move on from the past.

If your dominant thoughts are all about what happened in the past, then you are still living in the past and it may hamper your forward motion. One thing to always keep in mind is that there are things you cannot change - like the past, then there are things you can change - like the future. However, it take maturity to be able to know the difference between them and to focus your attention on what you can change.
Thanks for reading
Well, thinking about the past is always a hindrance to what lies ahead. For a man to succeed in life,you must forget about the past and move on. Good one bro
Excellently said. We should be able to focus on what lies ahead and not on the past.
Thanks buddy