Health = Wealth. The Importance Of Investing In Your Health And Well-being

While growing up, I used to hear the phrase "health is wealth," but I did not understand what it actually meant until later in life. Many of the material things that people run after still hinge on good health for sustenance and for them to be enjoyed. Tell me, what is the point of having the entire material resources that you cen ever think of but without health to enjoy them? This is when you will understand that good health is actually paramount. This is why, no amount of investment you make towards your health is in vain. The truth is that a good physical health is the foundation and the basis of many other things in life, so keep it well.


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Some years back, there was a time when I got so overwhelmed with the fact that I needed to work extremely hard to raise money because I thought that was all that matters. In my defence, I has listed a couple of projects to do with the money, so I needed to push myself to the extreme to hustle for it. I would go to work, then when work is over, I had a friend who was a site engineer, so I would meet him at the site and also do some site works and all these were physically tasking and draining. I was making money but at the expense of my physical health because I hardly rested. I would leave the house before 7am in the morning and would come back in the deep of the night.

This continued for a while and I thought it was a good lifestyle because all that mattered to me at the time was just to make money and more money without even taking time to rest and most times, I skipped meals. I had the mentality that money was everything but I later discovered how very wrong I was. A day came and my physical body was stressed out and I was knocked down. This was the time I realized that having a good health is actually more important. I had to spend the same money and time to get my health back. At the end of the day, I realized my mistake not to neglect my physical well-being in the pursuit of material things. They should be balanced, not sacrificing one for another.

One of the ways to take care of your physical well-being is to find time to rest. Working is good but one should be able to know when to rest in order to prevent their body from breaking down. Note this; if you break down in the course of over-working yourself, the work will still go on and a lot of people will even be willing to take over from you. You need to know that you are not the guardian of the galaxy and the world would still go on even without you. Learn to rest willingly, so that you will not be laid to rest. Rest can go a long way to secure one's health and make them live longer and void of illness. Do not joke with it.

Another way to take care of your physical well-being and your health is by eating rightly. That is good nutrition. What you eat can actually influence many things about your health. A lot of people might think that it is expensive to have a right meal, but you know what is really expensive? - the consequences of not eating rightly. You need to invest into your nutrition so that you will stay healthy and avoid the consequences that may have arisen from wrong feeding. When you plan your meal, you will discover that you do not even need to spend outside your budget to eat healthily.


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The last investment you need to do on your health is to ensure regular medical checkup. It is weird that some people will wait until they are sick or when they start noticing a breakdown in their health before they go for medical checkup. Ensure regular medical checkup. This is because there may be some early manifestation of disease which may be asymptomatic, but through regular checkup, it can be detected and treated. Remember that the money you spend to prevent a disease is far better and cheaper than what you will spend to cure it.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Absolutely right, unfortunately most people realize very late that without good health everything else collapses. Critically important is what we eat, say and think as "sound mind in sound body " is king.
