Good in Place of Evil


When someone does something bad to you and you reciprocate with another bad, then you are not different from the person that has done you the bad. Your actions, more often than not, are not results of other people's actions towards you but a result of your nature. If a container is full of water for example, and you pour from it, what you will get is water and not oil. This is because you can only pour from the content that is already in a container. In the same way your actions and how you relate on the outside is a function of what goes on inside you - your nature and your personality. So to be different in this world that is ladened with evil, you have to give expression to your goodness. After all, the only thing that will make the required sense in a dark night is the introduction of light.


Image from Pixabay

The makeup of humans has made it so that people subconsciously feel propelled to react negatively in response to another negative situation or to pay evil for evil. However, the truth is that this will not make you a better human, rather it will tilt you towards the pathway of negativities. This is why you have to pause for a while and give a deep thought before you react to someone's action. The first thing to ask yourself is if your reaction will make you a better human, if you will be seen as good or bad after you have responded, if your response will bring out the good in you or consolidate on the bad, if you will be happy with your reaction afterwards. After you have thought about these, you will then decide what your actions will be.

The truth is that everyone was born with the ability to do both good and evil, so your actions are purely products of the choices that you are have made. The person that does bad to you made a bad choice to do bad, but this does not mean that you cannot make a good choice to do good. You only make a difference in this cruel world when you do not conform to the evil that is done to you but always allow your goodness to be seen. You will agree with me that in the midst of darkness, the only thing that is needed to make impact is light. In the same way, in the midst of bad, your acts of goodness can make the needed difference.

Everyone definitely wants a better world for themself, but the truth is that everyone also has a part to play in it. The world does not get better by the press of a button but by making conscious effort towards it through your actions of goodness. The good that you want to see in the world, you should also try to show the world the same level of goodness. If you do your part with your own acts of goodness, then the world will have one less evil. It is worthy to be noted that no matter what you think of anyone, there is always a good side and a measure of goodness in them.

Each time you show good even in the event of bad situation, you are constantly reprogramming your brain and your subconscious mind to focus more on the good side of life and that is what makes you a better human. Whenever you have the urge to repay evil for evil, just tell yourself "I am better than this." This will remind you of your humanity and the need to keep doing good. You do not do good because good has been done to you or because you are expecting good to be done to you but because it is a proof that you are a better human and that is what humanity suggests.


Image from Pixabay

You should always bear in mind that no one has the gift of being good. Everyone that you see as good chose that path. If they can choose to be good even in the midst of rough situations, then you too can. As humans, the message of hope that we should show to the world is our acts of goodness. Let your actions be the light that your environment (and the world at large) will need to see in a world full of dark actions.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all
