Building Up Your Confidence Level And Improving On Yourself [Part 2]


Having a level of confidence is a vital necessity towards achieving of one's dreams. However one should understand that confidence is neither a gift nor something you are born with, it is basically developed by making a conscious choice in that regards. We have seen a couple of ways that can help someone to build their confidence from our last episode and we shall touch a bit more here.


Image from Pixabay

1. Upgrade your sense of dressing

What you wear; how you dress, and your appearance can influence your level of confidence. You will agree with me that if you are going for a function and you are on a casual attire and when you get to the function, you discover that you are the only one different and everyone else is on corporate attire, it will affect your confidence. To build your confidence, you have to pay attention to your appearance and your sense of dressing.

Confidence can greatly be enhanced when you learn to appear in dresses that make you look and feel good. More so, you should not only dress how you would want people to address you, you should also dress for what you want to attract. If an increased confidence is your aim, then you should dress confidently. Most times, dressing well can boost your personality and your self-image and self-worth, and people will also treat you well - which will in turn make you more confident. Having a wardrobe malfunction when you are in public can reduce one's confidence, so take caution of what you wear.

2. Practise self-love and self-care

If you do not love yourself nor care for yourself, you will place less value on yourself and this can lead one into timidity and lack of confidence. In order to achieve self confidence, you have to try to take care and love yourself. For you to love yourself, you have to also learn to forgive yourself over your past errors and then come to terms with the fact that you have gotten better with time. The level of value you have on yourself is determined by how much you love yourself, and this will tell on your level of confidence.

There are many ways to practise self-care, they include, but not limited to; investing in yourself, undertaking activities that can trigger your happiness, taking right and timely rest, forming a good eating habit, etc. All these can also lead one to an improved mood, and once your mood is improved, confidence follows naturally. You may not be the best by someone else's standards, but it does not stop you from placing value on yourself. After all, you are not born to fulfil someone's standards but to create an impact and create your own standards. So learn to take care of yourself.


Image from Pixabay

3. Practise how to speak in public

More often than not, the area that people lack confidence the most is speaking in public. I remember when I was growing up, I was very shy, and at the same time, scared of speaking in public. It keep on like that until I entered the senior secondary school. By that time, I was given a post which will make me to constantly address the entire school. I could not refuse the post even if I wanted to, even though I saw it as an almost impossible task, but I had to accept. Before that day, I started to practise in front of the mirror and watched myself speak.

The task began to look easier. At a point, I had to invite a few friends and asked them to watch me speak. They rated me and corrected a few errors. With each practice, I became better. On the day I was to begin my speech, it was like a walkover because I had practised extensively before then. You see, what you practise often tends to become part of you. When you practise speaking in the public, it will not just help to upgrade your confidence level but it will also sharpen your communication acumen. More so, you get perfect, not from assuming perfection, but from practising and keep practising.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


I remember when I was about 20 my self esteem and confidence was a bit low, was shy, afraid of trying some things and sometimes even fail before start until a coworker explain me that nothing in this world is black magic meaning that everything has been done by a human with two eyes, two hands, same as any other human, so they can then I can, at least try and that I will fail probably the first or second time, will take me longer, wont be as good but at least I can do it too, after that and a few sucesful projects now I take whatever implementation in IT that someone ask me for, doesnt matter if I have never done it because I have that confidence in myself, from that point I became a different person


Thanks a lot for using your own experience to throw more light on the post. You're appreciated buddy @skiptvads
