Some things to know about diabetes Part A || A brief summary by Sammy

Diabetes is a condition that look so hard to avoid and yet its becoming common in our world today.


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To be honest, avoiding diabetes might look hard, and we view it to be a source of deprivation of enjoyment while trying to avoid it but looking at it closely, it all depends on how committed we are to the decipline routine.
People refered to diabetes as a sickness mostly common to the rich but i view it to be a condition that arises when bad lifestyle is not corrected.

What is diabetes

Diabetes can be view as a condition where by the body is not able to convert or metabolize the food we eat into energy therefore allowing the body retain allot of sugar or glucose in the blood stream. Diabetes can be said to be the body inability to utilize insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas or inability of the body to produce the insulin therefore allowing excess sugar in circulation.

Types of diabetes

Knowing the type if diabetes is actually a good information and also a good step to treatment.
Diabetes types depends actually on the cause. From the definition we understand that it is either the inability of the body to utillize insulin or the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin. So this basically gives us to major types of diabetes

  1. Type 1 diabetes mellitus this condition has to do with the pancreas. The pancreas is part of the digestive system and also the endocrine system. This pancreas works in the endocrine system by producing the insulin which helps in controlling blood sugar level.
    So in type one diabetes, is either the pancreas is not able to produce this insulin or the production of this insulin is not enough for the body.
  2. Type 2 diabetes mellitus : this has to do the body in ability to process or make use of this insulin. It can be said to be the most common form or type of diabetes.
    There are other types of diabetes which includes
  3. Prediabetes: in this type of diabetes, your blood sugar level is high but not high enough to be compared with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  4. Gestation diabetes: Because of the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy temporary, when sugar level increases during pregnancy, it is referred to as gestation diabetes and it is required to go back to normal sugar level at most after child birth.

Signs of diabetes
When your blood sugar level is high or has increased, the following signs and symptoms can be visible

  1. Frequent thirst
  2. Frequent urination
  3. Blurred vision
  4. Increase hunger
  5. Difficulty in wound healing
  6. Some might experience weight gain or loss

Complications that arises from diabetes

If diabetes is not properly handled and managed some complications might arise which includes

  1. Heart problem
  2. Kidney problem

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  1. Nerve problem
  2. Vision problem

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  1. Hearing problem
  2. Some complications like amputation from wounds may arise and also death.

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