When She Starts Acting Like A Witch: Gatekeeping on Social Media 🧙‍♀️💗🌉

Hi Hiveians, happy weekend y’all.


I saw a skit on social media today and it got me so disturbed. It was a short video tagged ‘how to know a woman is in love with you.’ The best sign highlighted is ‘when she begins to act like a witch.’


Have you heard about the witch craze in Europe, which happened between the 16th and 17th centuries?

It was a period where what was known as the witchcraft phenomenon prevailed and sadly claimed some lives.

The witchcraft phenomenon is the belief that some people have the power to cause harm to others using supernatural or occultic means.

The term witchcraft is used to describe this belief and people who practice it are called witches (female) or wizards (male).


After getting the picture of who a witch is, I began to ask myself if people just sleep, wake up and feel they can just post anything on social media or they have been wrongly oriented or what exactly is the problem?

I know people may say, acting like a witch ain’t really the same as being a witch.

I will appreciate if ladies on this platform can either support or be against the claim. Is it true that y’all act like that when you are in love.

I know a number of guys may start checking out throwbacks and even current experiences with their ladies.

As for me, I won’t say ladies act like that, I feel when a lady loves you, she may become clingy and all that but acting like a witch, not so sure of that.

Digressing a bit from what is said and reviewing how it was presented, I feel the social media needs better gate keepers.

Currently, we can say that the space has limited or zero gatekeepers because lots of obscene and abusive content are displayed there almost every minute.

The question that comes to mind is, can rules be applied to the social media, such that not everything goes?

My answer is yes. But I believe the reason these platforms are not enforcing such rules is because of engagement. It is due to these ‘unethical’ posts that the social media thrives.

There was even a time when sex scandal was a tool used by social figures as this made them trend.

Some social figures were actually caught in a bad web and didn’t like it but I remember one man back then who actually wanted to pay some media outfit to cook something up. They did but unfortunately it didn’t trend, no one even cared.

I feel one should be able to express their feelings without any restrictions but not at the expense of corrupting minors and upcoming adults in the society.

I believe the content on ladies acting like witches when they are in love is questionable.

This cannot only distort the thoughts and actions of a young girl but can also distort the expectations of a young guy considering dating or marriage someday. I hope there are gatekeepers someday.

But ladies, is it true or not? Men what is your experience?

Posted using Neoxian City
