Animated and Non-animated Holozing Fanart : Zinguini Fanart


Second variation

An amazing day to all @holozing lovers. A job well done to @acidyo @kstreet @zing for the effort in keeping the community running. Its me again, and yeah this time as fate would have it, not sure if fate is the right word, but you know, lets just flow with that. So as fate would it, I have something interesting to showcase and it all screams fanart with a some animation to spice things up.

Let get to business. Aright, today I would be showcasing an animated fanart of the holozing character known as the Zinguini. Its funny how this name reminds me of the protagonist in the animation movie "Ratatouille". You need no rocket science to know that this character, from all indications, is a badass version of the Zingu holozing character which looks cute, gentle and innocent with the whole I couldn't even hurt a fly vibe going on. Yeah that kind of f thing

Zinguini caught my eye, so here is a fanart animation along side the Non-animated version serving as a testament to its charming effect or maybe not 🤔

Enjoy the exhibition with a showcase of the processes leading to the final result.

Non-animated Version


Final Result (Animated and Non-animated)


That will be all. Let me know what you love most about this Fanart

Thanks for viewing
