Membership Right

I was standing in the middle of my room in Grimmauld's house and looked at the letter in my hands with horror:


According to the new decree of the Ministry of Magic, you are required to pay the mentioned amount as an annual magic subscription fee. If you don't pay the said amount by tomorrow morning, your magical abilities will be taken away and you will become a muggle.

This letter had arrived at Grimmauld's house this morning, but naturally I was asleep at that time and had just learned about the new decree of the Ministry of Magic.

Oh, I didn't have money in my pocket and I had to borrow money from someone. Neither my comrades-in-arms nor my lover Rosalie were in a position where I could take money from them. But my friend Nathan was very rich and could definitely pay me. The problem was that Nathan had gotten into deep trouble in the past for lending money to a close friend, so he developed a phobia about it and stopped lending money to anyone.

As I rolled up the letter and nervously tapped my chin with it, I said to myself:

  • I am a close friend, I can definitely convince him to pay me. But he has a phobia and this is not a joke. I myself have a phobia of the color pink and once I almost set the house on fire because one of the Vizelia kids had left his pink toy in my room to get rid of that evil pink thing.

I had to find a solution that could overcome Nathan's phobia. What feeling was so impressive and deep that it could defeat the phobia? Suddenly a light turned on above my head and my eyes widened and shone.

  • Yes, it is... love! Love makes Nathan's phobia disappear. I have to do something to make Nathan fall in love with me and then I can borrow money from him.

Then my face changed and a worried look came over it again.

  • But now all the attarias and shops are closed and I can't buy love potion or the necessary ingredients from them.

I had no choice but to rely on my own abilities and make Nathan fall in love with me before sunrise and the deadline for paying the subscription fee and ask him to deposit the money for me.

I opened my closet door and pulled out my best clothes, a trailing black satin coat, a white shirt with pleated edges, tight black pants, and black leather boots. Then suddenly an image was created in my mind, Rosalie with a marble white face, pomegranate red cheeks, eyes the color and depth of the sea and a warm smile full of love. Hate closed my throat.

  • My sweet Rosalie, I'm really sorry! I have no other choice.

I stood in front of Nathan's family mansion and gazed open-mouthed at its grandeur, a Roman-style building made of the most precious and shining black stones. The house that I used to go to see Nathan was his bachelor's house and I had never stepped into their family mansion.

I tried to put on a calm and cool face and then I went to the door and knocked on it a few times with my hand.

A minute passed and no one came to open the door. I raised my hand again and this time I knocked harder on the door. An old and screaming voice said from behind the door:

  • What's up dad, I'm here!

And then the door opened and I was faced with a house elf wearing a pink shirt. My blood pressure dropped, I gasped and put my hand over my heart.

  • If you have heart problems, go to Saint Mango.

Jen wanted to close the door when I stopped her.

  • I am one of Nathan's friends. I came to see him.

While looking at me suspiciously, Jenn opened the door completely and let me in.

I felt that I had entered heaven. A garden as big as a forest with thick and tall trees, whose thick foliage cast a shadow over me, and the light of the moon and stars passed through them and lit up the carpet full of flowers and grass.

  • Are you coming home or do you want to spend the whole night with your mouth open and look here and there?

I thought to myself that this dreamscape is the best place to express my love to Nathan.

  • Mrs. Jen, can you please tell Nathan to come here? I will wait for him here.

  • Mrs. Jen?! My name is Mrs. Anderson. It's not like the old days when you can talk to a bloody criminal any way you want. You know, I'm an employee here and I get a salary, money that an ace and passy like you can't even dream of. Don't think that elegant clothes can fool me, I know that lice will be in your pocket.

My cheeks became hot; They must have blushed with shame and anger. I really wanted to sink my fangs into the flesh of this old house elf so that he would stop insulting me like this. But instead I just smiled and said in a sarcastic tone:

  • Thank you very much, Mrs. Anderson.

The genie looked at me.

  • Ishshsh!

And then he went to the covered part of the mansion. I also started walking in the garden and reviewing my plan in my mind. Now that I had come here, my plan no longer seemed so perfect. What if I professed my love to Nathan and he told me he only saw me as a friend?

As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard Nathan call my name. I turned my face and felt that I was seeing him for the first time. She looked like a fairy with her bright white face, emerald green eyes, bushy fiery red hair and long golden dress.

With a huge smile on his lips, he came to me and gently hit my arm with his hand as a sign of greeting.

  • You surprised me, friend! How did you come here? I always urged you to come and you wouldn't accept.

My heart beat faster and my hands were frozen due to anxiety. My lips started trembling unconsciously. I had a hard time even starting a simple friendship, let alone professing love. As for Rosalie, she was the first to express her love to me.

Nathan stared at me worriedly.

  • Godfrey, how are you?

I forced a smile and tried to calm myself down.

  • Yes, yes, I'm fine. I remembered Mrs. Anderson's pink dress for a moment.

Nathan laughed.

  • Wow, that self-satisfied genie! It is really hard to bear, but my mom is used to it.

We walked in the garden. I would look at trees, bushes, red roses and violets and anything but Nathan, and he would look at me questioningly.

  • Your color is pale, friend. You haven't hunted yet, have you?

That damned letter made me forget about hunting altogether.

  • Honestly, my mind was very busy and I didn't think of hunting at all.

  • Yes, it is obvious that you are not in your best mood at all. come sit here

He sat me on a stone board and sat next to me. Then he tilted his neck to one side and said:

  • Come on.

I swallowed and shook my head in denial.

  • Why? You have already eaten my blood a thousand times.

I said with an embarrassed voice:

  • Yes, but not like this.

  • Relax, we are best friends after all.

I stared hesitantly at Nathan's white and marble neck and its throbbing veins.

  • Be quick, otherwise you will faint soon due to your thirst.

I moved my mouth to his neck, closed my eyes and sunk my fangs into his soft flesh. Nathan let out a short scream and I began to suck his blood. Little by little, worry and anxiety filled me and I felt a deep sense of peace. The memories I had of Nathan came alive in my mind, his emerald eyes that melted me, his red hair that was the sun that didn't burn me.

My mind was wandering in a sweet world when suddenly the sound of screaming brought me back to the world of reality. I removed my mouth from Nathan's neck and saw the house elf staring at us with a horrified expression.

  • Oh Merlin the Great's beard! If she saw this scene, what would she say?

I wiped the drops of blood from around my mouth and looked at Nathan who was rubbing my teeth on his neck.

  • Mrs. Anderson, forget this scene you saw and immediately go back inside the house.

The pink-clad elf ran away while uttering unintelligible and profanity-like expressions.

  • Nathan, how are you? It's like I ate a lot of your blood.

My friend's color was pale and the vitality of his eyes had disappeared to some extent. Instead, my cheeks were red and lively now. I had transferred life from him to me.

Nathan smiled sheepishly.

  • Don't worry, I'm drinking a Korean drink now and I'm feeling fine.

He said this and took out a bottle from his pocket and started drinking its contents.

  • Godfrey, don't you want to tell me why you came here? Just don't tell me you came to visit me, I won't believe it. I had already invited you a thousand times and you had not accepted. Of course, I know the reason. The first time my mom saw you, she treated you very badly and you didn't want to come here and see her by chance. But you came tonight, in a bad mood and in party clothes. Why?

I looked at his face and tried to remember the romantic words I had prepared to tell him. I raised my hand and placed it next to his face. His eyes widened, but he didn't pull away.

  • Nathan, do you remember I told you before that since I became a vampire, I felt a kind of restlessness? It's as if my soul was looking for a special kind of blood and I always looked far to find it. But in fact, this blood has always been close to me and I used to eat from it. This blood I am talking about is your blood.

These were not the things I was going to tell him. As if these words had formed in my mind unconsciously.

Nathan was staring at me with a stunned expression without blinking. He was as motionless as the rock we were sitting on. I just looked at him for a few moments and then when I saw that he didn't answer, I called his name in a quiet and questioning voice and he shook his head and blinked a few times as if he had suddenly regained consciousness.

  • I'm sorry. I was shocked by your words. I never thought to hear such things from you. I mean, I didn't even dream that you would say these things.

He paused and then he raised his hand and put it next to my face.

  • To be honest, I always had a special feeling for you, a feeling that went beyond friendship.

He laughed and happiness made his face brighter than before. I also laughed with him, but the torment of conscience crawled inside me like a snake.

The rest of my plan was executed quickly. I spoke to Nathan about my wizarding subscription and he immediately sent an owl to Gringotts Bank and arranged for the payment to be made.

Then we both walked in the garden arm in arm. Nathan was happily talking about the feelings he had hidden from me all this time, and I was thinking, what should I do now? Should I tell Nathan that I expressed my love for him only to borrow money, or should I continue this false relationship?

