Enjoy Your Imagination For Now

Lathrop got up from behind the wheel and went to the back of the truck to make sure his cargo was safe, a cargo of a thousand dolls, creatures that used to be human and were now helpless pieces of plastic.

He opened one of the packages and looked at the turned off doll inside, shiny plastic skin and shiny glass eyes. He remembered the sessions where the puppets were taught how to behave properly to their masters.

He was filled with anger and took out a cucumber from his waist bag and started biting it to reduce the heat of his anger. When the transformation of humans into dolls had just started, he had formed a movement with some of his friends and had tried to cure the transformed humans, but in the end the government agents had arrested them and all his friends had been executed, and only Lathrop was saved thanks to his lover, Racklaw, who was a nobleman.

Now Lathrop had a mission to take these dolls to the capital to attend advanced classes and reach higher levels of obedience, and he knew very well that if he disobeyed his mission, this time his punishment would be more than expulsion.

He tossed the end of the cucumber aside and as he zipped the bag, he remembered Raclaw's words:
"Be patient. We will bring them down in due time and make them pay for all their crimes."

And then he put his hand on one side of Lathrop's face.
"Promise me you won't do anything dangerous. Please. I… can't bear to lose you."

And there were tears in his eyes. Lathrop took a bottle of water from inside the truck and emptied it on his face and imagined in his mind that he was throwing those damn puppet trainers and the designers of this dirty plan one by one into the valley of zombies so that they died slowly and in agony.

