Life's Decisions || Thinker's Corner May Edition



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There is a saying that "life is full of tough decisions". I agree with this because sometimes some decisions you make can either make or mar you.

Before I got married, I had always dreamt of living in the city whenever I wanted to settle down. Don't get me wrong, I love the natural environment I live in but then I somehow felt maybe I had "seen enough" of it and felt the need to settle in the urban area. I figured that would help me explore more as working in the city would take me to different places as I have long exhausted places around me.

While my husband and I were making our wedding preparations, I decided to tell my employers that they would need to get someone else to replace me as I might not continue working with them after marriage, though hubby and I hadn't fully decided I figured I'd let them know just in case. But then I felt I had no weigh the pros and cons before finally deciding.

I got an opportunity to work in town but it was new territory for me and It came with the what-ifs and besides the job was still in process and wasnt a sure deal and I also heard some stories of people working in town but ended up coming back to the rural part because they couldn't keep up with the high standard of living of working and living in the city.

Furthermore, my employers weren't exactly happy about me leaving as they talked about how much they needed me. It was as if me leaving would make their business crumble. Hubby told me he would abide by whatever decision I made because he could settle anywhere as long it was where I wanted.

I was left with that huge decision, stay and help them grow or leave to start a new adventure in a new place. In the end, I decided to stay and help them grow. So my husband and I got a place not too far from my workplace and after I got married, I continued working there.

At first, things seemed to be working fine. The salary is meager but still manageable because then the standard of living wasn't so high. Foodstuff was sold at affordable rates, transportation back and forth was moderate, and so on.

Meanwhile, I and other teachers worked hard to help the school grow and in no time, the population increased which no doubt would bring my employers more profit beyond imagination.

But as these changes began to occur, so did we begin to notice the "change in them". It became worse as things are no longer the way they used to be. The standard of living Increased sporadically and it seems that now that we needed them more than ever to pull through, they decided to become greedy. Sometimes not everyone you grow with really appreciates it. But does that mean we shouldn't help others grow? No.

They taught me a great lesson and I got to know that sometimes you think you know people 😀😀😀 just wait till they have loads of money at their disposal, then they become so foreign to you that you begin to wonder if they ever had the kindness in them all along or it was all an act.

Sometimes I can't help but always think about what I gave up. I never got to work in the city like I wished to and now the standard of living there is just off the charts. While part of me sometimes blames myself for probably *choosing wrongly", another part appreciates the experiences staying behind afforded me.

It made me realize that sometimes when making decisions, "think long-term". But then some decisions too can just be made for the "then"right? because change is said to be constant and of course when these changes occurs, we should all learn to flow with it.

Maybe things would have turned out better for me, maybe it wouldn't but one thing I know for sure is that you never know the outcome of something till you try it and I can't help but always wonder, what if? What if?..... What if?......

This is my response to the Thinker's Corner May Edition by @kenechukwu97. A big shoutout to him and others who are giving their constant support to the success of this initiative.


The what ifs of life. It never gets tiring as long as you are alive always thinking and thinking on how to sort things out and though you made the decision to stay there, you don't know what would have happened if you had decided to leave.

One thing I do know is, one day, you'll get to experience the bustling city just for a vacation. Have fun.


Thank you for your encouraging words and support.


Having to make career decisions is never easy and we are always faced with a 50/50 chance of it either being an admirable decision or an uninspiring decision. Also, what looks like a bad decision on the short run may turnout to be a good decision on the long run. We just don't know.

Your experience is quite interesting. It's sad because you did what's admirable by giving your best as an employee. However, the employers took it for granted when their business started flourishing. Regardless of that disappointing turn of event, you still did what you believed to be right and you can always be proud of your input to the growth of the organization.

Thanks so much for always being part of this challenge.
