The Momma Hen and the Five Little Chicks: Moymoy is A First Time Mom, She's Now a Mother of Adorable Babies
When Moymoy is just a month old chick, I often refered to her as "his" because back then I thought she was a he, lol. And it's not just me, but also Mama. That's the reason why her name is Moymoy. Then months later, we finally realized that she is actually a she. And she could be a mother too.
And that soon is actually today. She is now a mother of five adorable baby chicks. The hatching started the other day, and now they are finally out on their shell and happily going around here and there, just following their Momma chicken whenever she go. They are so cute and so tiny, I'm too afraid to even hold them because I'm afraid I can break their small bodies.
Watching the baby chicks is really fun. I love how they are so attentive in following their momma hen. Theres just one problem with Moymoy, she has such no sense of her surroundings that she sometimes steps on her own baby chicks (⊙_◎). Like you know when she's digging on the ground. That's why watching them is fun, but at the same time, I feel like I'll have a heart attack because of Moymoy's clumsiness, like seriously.

Here are the babies, and you can see two of the baby chicks are away from Moymoy. But that's because they are a little wobbly, the other one is shaking too. I think they are sick (・ั﹏・ั). According to Mama, maybe the reason that they are like that is because Moymoy accidentally stepped on them. They were still okay last night, but then they became like this after just a night. Those poor baby chicks ಠ﹏ಠ.

Look how tiny and fragile they are. It's just so sad to watch them being like this. Unlike their siblings, who are so energetic and strong. They are just 5 days old here, so even with a light flick of fingers, they will get injured. Mama also created a temporary nesting place for these two. They are so cute here, but they don't look fine. Wish we can do something for them ಠ﹏ಠ.

We can see here how badly they want to go out and explore their home. But their bodies won't allow it.

On the other hand, Mama is very hands-on with them. She takes care of them, like giving them a massage. She can't just force feed them though because they don't really like to eat. Mama said they may not make it ಠ﹏ಠ.

But I'm still hoping that they can survive this, and soon they will also start running around the yard. Ahhh, that would be cute. This is Moymoy's firstborn, so it'll be sad if she loses some of her baby chicks. ಠ﹏ಠ

Moments later, Mama noticed something to the other chicks, that's why she put it together with the other two. Seeing them like this is so heartwarming.
And Moymoy's life continues even though she's missing three chicks. But if someone ever touches her chicks, she will react and will really fight for them. Such sweet behavior for a momma hen. I mean, most animals are like that, but seeing it in person is rather good. We are not sure if the three baby chicks will live, but Mama will do anything for them just so they can enjoy their life with us. We can't really bring them to a vet because, sad to say, those do not exist in our city. (⊙_◎)
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THEY'RE SOOO CUTEEE AHHHH, I WANNA PAT THEM SOOO BAAADD. I really hope they get stronger anytime
Right? They are so cute, tiny and fragile too 🤧
I feel bad for the two little chicks. I hope they get better soon.
Seriously, I really hope so 😥
The little chicks ate very cute 🥺 I wanna touch them💗
Same here, you just really have to be careful touching them.
I am hoping for their fast recovery! Probably they are really missing the warmth of their mother. But for now, they really need to recover and make themselves stronger
Thanks Clipuuuu,. It's better if they are malakas and walking here and there.
I hope the chicks can still recover. 😁😬
I hope that too, if ever ang saya na naman ditonsa bahay, maraming bebebehin, lol
Pretty hen
Thank youuuu
Ang cute nila sis, hoping magsurvive silang lahat.