Roaming Around SM to Look for a Gift with Mama and Lil Brother: Checking Clothes Shops and Buying a Shirt on Penshoppe
When I went to Lipa last month, I was always eager to go visit SM Lipa because we don't have it in our province. We have Xentro Mall, but it is small, aside from that, it is far from our town, and we had to spend $4 per person to get there. That's just going to the mall, it's another $4 traveling back home. While here in Lipa, it is just one ride away from my little brother's apartment, and it cost 13 pesos only ($0.17), another 13 pesos going back. See the big difference ಥ‿ಥ.

That's why I'll never complain if we go to visit SM Lipa that often. Although I hate that it is always crowded, still, I can't deny the fact that roaming around the mall, which is fully air-conditioned, is really fun. I just can't help but pity myself, though, because I can't even buy things that I want in there ಥ‿ಥ.

This is the time that I keep reminding my little brother about the Christmas gift that Mommy F asked from him. We went to SM Lipa just to buy gift, yes. Lol. And yeah, she's the one who asked for the Christmas gift, lol. Mom keeps on reminding me about it, so I'm just repeating it to my little brother. Lol

We're walking around inside the mall, particularly in the department store and some other shops inside (◕ᴗ◕✿). I saw a lot of cute and pretty things on the way, and there are times I want to stop to check things. But, aigooo, lol.

Anyways, we tried to check one shop in here;, I forgot the name, gomen. But man, their clothes prices are no joke. It's really expensive, I mean, for me, not sure about you though. But even if it's pricey, people keep on coming inside. Meaning their clothes are all of good quality. If it's a quality product with a good design that fits to your liking, then there's no need to think much, but get this right? Especially if you can afford it. We couldn't find anything in there, though.

So we continue roaming around to check other shop. We didn't dare try the famous clothing brand because we know how expensive they are (≧▽≦), and my little brother's budget is not that big either (≧▽≦). But how cool it is if one day we can get inside those famous brands to get some stuff. Someday ┏(^0^)┛.

So our next stop was in Penshoppe. They have promos inside, which I think is really good. This shop is my brother's favorite. He said he loves how soft the fabric of their clothes is. So he decides to just buy the shirt here. But... Unfortunately (≧▽≦), he didn't buy the clothes for Mom but for him. HAHAHA ƪ(‾.‾“)┐. He didn't get anything for Mom, he said Mom has a lot of clothes already. Which is true, she has a lot, most of them were just kept in the cabinet. So when he asked me if he deserved the clothes he wanted to get, I said yes! I mean, he's been working hard lately, so he deserves it. As for Mom, I already gifted her a shirt, so I think that's enough already (≧▽≦).
We're about to head home here when something caught my attention. It's OXYGEN! I knew about them because I have their clothes. It's known for their clothes with anime characters or whatever printed on it. I can't help but check inside. That time I feel like I am ready to throw some money, but my brother stops me. Hahahaha. I actually got their clothes online, and thanks to Lazada's big free discount, I got three shirts for a very affordable price.
But anyhow, it's my little brother who's the happiest on this trip because he gets to buy something for himself. ┏(^0^)┛
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I’m also always excited to shop but my finances won’t cooperate.
Haha, how i wish we have a lot of cash 🙉😆😆🤧
Hi! I'm glad your brother got clothes he will like and at a good price, it was a great shopping trip, regards.
Hello, thank you 😻. He really got a good stuff there. And the quality is ✨✨
Congratulations @ruffatotmeee!
You raised your level and are now a Dolphin!
OMG! OMG! OMG! FINALLY 😻✨🤩❤️😻😆😻🤩✨. Thank youuuuuuuu, I finally got it 🤧🤧🤧😭. Omfg ✨🤩😻
Congratulations on becoming a Dolphin @ruffatotmeee 🎉🎉🎉
Yayyy, thank you, thank youuuu ✨🤩🤩🤩
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