Ikay's Hiding in Her Momma Cat Old Hide Out: Spending Her Sweet Time Resting in the Garden
Ikay disappeared for one day, it only happens when she's in heat and wants to hunt for a male cat. She doesn't eat that much too, which is rare. She loves foods, especially rice with fish, so if ever there's a day that she skips her meal, that's only mean one thing, she's really in heat. Before, there's two to three male cats that visit our house. Because of that, Ikay or Wiswis doesn't need to go on an adventure to find a male cat somewhere. The only problem during that time was they did the deed at night and on our roof, so we often woke up because of their loud noise. Sometimes two male cats will fight for our female cat, and sometimes there's none.

So anyways, Ikay disappeared for one day and reappear the next morning, hungry and exhausted from lack of sleep. I just gave her cat food, and she really ate a lot and drank a lot. After that, she went to Mama's garden to sleep. This spot is where Wiswis used to hide and sleep when she's still pregnant. And now Ikay takes over this spot while Wiswis is taking care of her newborn babies. Ahhh, I haven't shared Wiswis new babies, so let me share their cuteness here.

Tadaaaaaan! She gave birth last November 12 under the oldies bed. We had to put them in a cage because they are much safer in there than letting them sleep on a cold pavement. And I think Wiswis like it there, naman. Now she has babies to take care of and feed again, lol. But once they grow, I'll take over with the feeding, for sure. Lol

Now talking again about Ikay, there's a change again with her attitude. Just like her mother Wiswis, she becomes so grumpy that she gets mad with the little ones, even her own child, who is just 4 months old. And they don't even do anything to her. They are just trying to get closer to her. I think that's already a sign of her being pregnant. Her mother also had that episode, but after giving birth, she's more kind now. She even let the other cat get close to her, unlike during her pregnancy.

This is the reason why Ikay is hiding from everyone. Maybe she doesn't want to hurt anyone too, that's why she chose to just hide. She's residing in a good place anyway, so we just let her. Ahhh, her appetite for food is back again, so she's eating a lot of food again. And I think she wants to eat Mom's plant too, in here. Lol.

She's changing her sleeping position here. She woke up because of me, even though I am so careful of not making any noise. But she still noticed me after just a few snaps. She's also trying to get back to sleep, but she got distracted by me, lol. I'm sure she'll go back to sleep once I'm done disturbing here. Lolol. For now i'll take a lot of photos to look at in my phone (≧▽≦).

She's like, "I'm so done with this b*tch! I should really just bite her!" Lolol. Sorry, Kikay, I can't miss this opportunity. You just look so pretty and cute, I can't help myself, lol.

I then stop after taking a few more photos of her, she won't go back to sleep if I didn't leave, lol. ┏(^0^)┛

And soon, I'll have to take care of her baby kittens again. That's what they always do, after just a month of breastfeeding their babies, they will leave their kittens to us, and they'll start to go find a male cat again. Seriously! We are more like a servant than their master, lol.
We want to spay them, but that would be too expensive. And sadly, we don't have a vet clinic in our town. Aigoooo. Still, having a small cat running around the house is really fun. It only became exhausting once they mess around or poop and pee everywhere. Still, we're glad that they know where to use the comfort room. The baby kittens often see the adult cat peeing in our comfort room, so they can copy it. It's amazing how intelligent a cat can get.
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The look in her face really said it all 😁. Mahirap din mg alaga pag marami sila. Hindi nyo Pina pa adopt?😬
Hahahaha, super mahirap. Pinapa dop namin, kapag hindi naku, puno na bahay namin kasi every year nakaka dalwa or tatlong anakan yong isang female cat lang. Eh apat female cat namin now 😆😆
Que sorpresa una gata muy linda. saludos
Hehe, thank you 😊😊
It's super cute behind the leafs 😍😍 an instagrammable cat 😺😺
I so agree, haha, too bad I'm not active on IG and even on FB to share this amazing photos. Hehe. It is exclusively just for Hive 😊🤧
Your pets are so adorable😍
Thankssss, she's just a bit of a devourer but even that is cute. Hehe