The Idea Of Age Versus Experience.



From age is just a number to you’re not my mate. From you are not old enough to understand to you know too much for your age. In my opinion, age is just a number but then I think there is a conflict of interest in that same opinion. What do I mean? Let me try and explain.

According to Ghana’s constitution I am way over the age of a minor but traditionally or should I say according to my mother I am still a minor lol. The legal age of sexual consent is 16 years and with this, a lot of people say you’re no longer a child hence you have a say when it comes to your sexual life. But should sex be the defining age for when we are truly mature?

For people who say that age is just a number; they still go around looking for relationships with people who are older than them cause they claim age is just a number but won’t date people who are younger than them. Do you see where am coming from? For guys who say age is just a number they are usually looking for ladies who are older than them cause those ladies are more mature. For women who say this, they are usually looking for men who are older than them because they claim those men are more responsible.

But then why should it be? If you say that maturity doesn’t depend on age then why do you have to go in for an older man cause you think he is more reasonable and responsible than I am?


Maturity according to me

Well to me being a minor solely depends on the geographical area in which you find yourself. I know in Ghana we are more strict on someone being a lot older before he is no longer considered a minor. In the western countries, the age limit is a bit more flexible. In Ghana, even an adult is still dearly protected by his or her parents until he or she is above 25.

When it comes to maturity we shouldn’t place an age limit as long as the person is over 18 in my opinion. Maturity is all about the brain and how we think with it. Even though with age and time you get to experience things that a 16-year-old or an 18-year-old might not have experienced that 18-year-old might view life in a way better way than you do. That’s how life is.

For me, I wouldn’t put an age limit to when someone is mature according to my explanation. I think with age comes a mature mind but that is not always the case and with the internet, people have a lot of new ways of thinking which will usually be as wise as someone who is as old to be his dad.

Sometimes I like to use myself as an example. I think differently from people who are my age and I am not even that old. Yes, I might be wrong at times but most times they are good or mature ways of thinking.

Is it too late to be called a minor at 21?

Well according to Ghana’s constitution, from 16 upwards till 21 you can still be considered as a minor in certain cases.

I think this is too late. I know I’ve already said saying someone is a minor or mature shouldn't depend on age but then let’s look and digest what the constitution says as well.

So in my opinion I think the 16 age limit is ok but with the age is 21 you should be mature enough to be called an adult. In Ghana, in most cases, people around the ages of 20 to 21 have already completed senior high and most probably in the university or even starting their lives.

So in all honesty age is just a number always depends on the situation.

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Being a minor, being mature, and being an adult for me is relative to societal, personal and financial behavior.

These behaviors might not be gotten from experience per se, but from a developed mind that is ready to handle responsibilities

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Well this is very true and even though some people might have developed great minds at a tender age it is still rare to see.

So when it comes to most people maturity comes into play when you also put in the factor of experience.

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Experience is learned, how many adults can we say really learn

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🤣🤣this question I’ll answer you when I become an adult

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