Take Control of the Battle with the Taunt Ability | Amazing Battle | Splinterlands Social Media Challenge

Hello everyone, Welcome to my Splinterlands Social Media Challenge post. In this post, I will talk about the Taunt Ability and more, as well as an amazing battle. I hope it will be useful for you.

Taunt Ability

  • Taunt Ability : All enemy Units target this Unit (if they are able to).

All enemy units primarily target the Monster with Taunt Ability in battles. Taunt Ability is really an amazing ability and can help me a lot to make my strategy work better in battles. Before battles, it is sometimes very difficult to predict which friendly Monsters the enemy Monsters will target, and sometimes it is obvious. In both cases, you may want to consider including the Taunt Ability in your lineup when you do not want the other Monsters on your team to be the first target of the enemies, as the enemies will fight to destroy the Monster with the Taunt Ability first, meaning that the other Monsters on your team will not be targeted until it is destroyed.

I can say that Taunt Ability is one of the abilities I use the most, and knowing the enemies' targets allows me to determine better strategies, or rather, it makes my strategy work better. I even add more than one Monster with the Taunt Ability to my team when I have the opportunity, and frankly, I never hesitate to include this ability in my lineup.

By the way, Monsters in the first position and Monsters with the Reach Ability target the Monster in the first position, so they cannot attack a Monster with Taunt Ability if it is not in the first position. And if there is more than one Monster with the Taunt Ability on a team, the Monster closest to the first position will be targeted. And after the one close the first position is destroyed, the next Monster with the Taunt Ability will be targeted. Additionally, Magic and Ranged attack Monsters with the Scattershot Ability attack a random enemy target, meaning they will ignore Taunt Ability. Monsters with the Fury Ability do double damage to Monsters with the Taunt Ability. I recommend you take these into consideration before including Taunt Ability to your lineup.

I usually put Monsters with Taunt Ability in the backline and I pay a lot of attention to adding Repair and Triage abilities to my lineup to prevent them from being easily destroyed. If I put the Monster with Taunt Ability in the first position, I will also include Tank Heal Ability in my lineup. Because actively regenerating its armor and health is very useful in battles.

As far as I know, there are 17 cards with the Taunt Ability in Splinterlands, one of which is the Summoner. I can say that Agor Longtail and Iziar are my favorites because of their other abilities, they are both really powerful Monsters, but I can say that the others have very powerful abilities.

Let's examine some of what I explained above in a battle.


Battle Link

Battle Ruleset

  • Equal Opportunity: All Monsters have the Opportunity ability.
  • Fire & Regret: All Monsters have the Return Fire ability.
  • Maneuvers: All units gain reach.

According to the ruleset of the battle, all Monsters in this battle will have the Opportunity, Return Fire and Reach abilities. Before starting the battle, when I reviewed the recent 5 battles of the opponent player, I saw that the opponent player had very powerful cards and I knew that I would be fighting against max level cards, so I had to determine a much better strategy in order to win the battle.

Considering the ruleset of the battle, all Monsters except the Monsters in the first position will target the Monster with the lowest health, which is exactly why I will add 2 Monsters with Taunt Ability to my team because I don't want the enemies to target the Monsters with the lowest health in my team. So enemies will fight to destroy Monsters with Taunt Ability first, if they are able to.

In this battle I added Agor Longtail and Iziar to my team without hesitation, and I also added Gladiator Captain Katie to my team. And because of the Martyr Ability, I put Iziar between Agor Longtail and Captain Katie. I also included Triage, Repair, and Resurrect abilities to my lineup. And the enemies will fight to destroy Iziar first, if they can succeed the Martyr Ability will be triggered which will allow Agor Longtail and Captain Katie to get +1 to all their stats. And if they can destroy Iziar, the Resurrect Ability will bring Iziar back to life with 1 Health, meaning they will have to destroy Iziar once again. And if they manage to destroy it a second time, the Martyr Ability will trigger once more. And the enemies will have to destroy Agor Longtail, who got +1 to all stats twice. And considering that I have Repair and Triage abilities in my lineup, it's going to be really tough for the opposing team.

It is a strategy that works very well in many battles, but Affliction, Scattershot, Fury and Blast abilities can prevent this strategy from working well, and when I set up a strategy like this, I never want the opposing team to have these abilities.


You can watch the entire battle from the video or from the Battle Link

The opposing team managed to destroy Iziar twice in the first two rounds, but two Monsters from the opposing team were also destroyed.

Now the opposing team's job was much more difficult because it was not easy for them to destroy Agor Longtail. It was also not easy for them to survive against the brutal attacks of Captain Katie and Agor Longtail.

The battle lasted 5 rounds and at the end of the battle, all the Monsters on the opposing team were destroyed while 5 Monsters on my team were still alive. My strategy worked pretty well and my team won this battle pretty easily. Honestly, after seeing the opposing team at the beginning of the battle, I knew I would win this battle because no matter how powerful the opposing team was, they had no chance against my strategy. I can say that I was very surprised that the opposing player did not include abilities such as Taunt, Martyr, Triage, Affliction, Scattershot and Blast in their lineup, despite having such powerful cards. I strongly recommend that you include such abilities in your lineup in such battles, otherwise it will not be easy to win such battles.

Brief descriptions of the abilities I mentioned above;

  • Opportunity Ability : Units with the Opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy Unit with the lowest health.
  • Return Fire Ability : When hit with a Ranged attack, Units with Return Fire will return half the damage (rounded up) to their attacker.
  • Reach Ability : Melee attack Units with Reach may attack from the second position.
  • Repair Ability : Restores a third of max armor to the friendly Unit whose armor has taken the most damage.
  • Triage Ability : Heals the friendly back-line Unit that has taken the most damage by a third of max Health.
  • Resurrect Ability : When a friendly Unit dies it is brought back to life with 1 Health. This ability can only trigger once per battle.
  • Tank Heal Ability : Restores a third of max health to the Unit in the first position each round.
  • Martyr Ability : When this Unit dies, adjacent Units get +1 to all stats.
  • Scattershot Ability : Ranged and Magic attacks hit a random enemy target.
  • Fury Ability : This Unit does double damage to targets with Taunt.
  • Blast Ability : Does half damage (rounded up) to Units adjacent to the target monster.

All Images Taken from Splintelands.

What are your thoughts on the battle and my strategy? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

Battle Link

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Thank you for reading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
