Anger Management is Necessary
There are many types of emotions in human life and one of them is Anger. The disturb feeling in which we are unable to understand or behave well, we want to scream or hit something, blood start boiling, heart beating fast or our face turns red. These are few examples through which we can say someone is being angry. Everyone of us experience these feelings at some point in our lives. Anger has been categorized in different types so it would be easier for us to identify and understand what kind of anger we are experiencing and how to control it.

It is just OK to be angry unless it is under control. This is normal human emotion. The main problem arises when it goes out of control and that is because it was not handled properly or not looked after by anyone. Controlling and managing your anger is necessary and mandatory to live a happy life.

I would like to share my experience being an aggressive and angry boy. I don’t see any specific reason or any mark in my life which makes me so angry and aggressive. I remember that I just get annoy with very small and unaffected things and react very strange. I had couple of useless fights at the age of 15-16. My parents know that I do not tolerate any useless thing happens to me through my fellow students or teachers and guide me a lot. Also my brothers do advise me many things but at that time, I used to ignore them. This anger is a dangerous disease which keeps on spreading and it was doing the same on me.

This aggressive nature in my early age was only good for the race to be number one in my class, to be the best and to be popular in the whole school. Sometimes, it helped me to complete my home work in limited times. In an angry mood, you are fearless and somehow, gets the courage to do those things which you are not capable of. It is controlling your anger to utilize it in good form. Kids do have too much anger and aggression, but it is the responsibility of parents and teachers to guide them in order to transform that anger into good for themselves.

Things do get worst when you are growing and that anger too growing up with you and within you. A person definitely knows when this anger is hitting on him so, it is in the hands of oneself to take appropriate measure or take counseling if unable to control. Sharing my experience once again, due to low wages, I was not happy with my job once and that frustration comes out on daily basis, having arguments with management and my team leader. The only positive thing in it was I just ask my team leader to work properly while you are getting way more $$$ than me and he was just busy being bossy. A time came when he gave up and decided that he is unable to work with the team and got a transfer to other city through which righteous person gets the opportunity and got promoted to his place. So, sometimes it is better to fight for the right and this anger helps you to get along the way for success. However, controlling is still necessary or else it could backfire.

One more example is when you have done hard work in a year and it’s time for increment but company is not in a mood to give, then every normal person gets angry. It is the best time to learn how to control your anger and utilize it in a way that company would understand the importance of that individual in their company and business rather than taking any inappropriate decision or action which could cost you the job or lead to distress.

In relationships as well, it is necessary to have anger management so one could live a happy life with loved ones. Talking about being a parent, kids do need love and affection but at the same time, it is necessary to guide and show them the right path to follow. This is a fragile situation and needs to handle with care. Parents need to show their anger at times so kids should know and understand what is allowed and what’s not. Sometimes anger is required to make things better.

Life is tough and sometimes it is not easy to handle situation when you have stressful day at work and few commitments in family. This would make anyone frustrated and angry easily but we can get rid of this by discussing and finding a way out within family instead of over reacting unnecessarily which may lead to spoil relationships.

In the end, I would say that anger can be a healthy tool to have better change only if it is expressed at the right time with appropriate level, can be useful if used in accelerating your performance at work or in many things if utilized in appropriate way. Anger itself is not bad, it is us who makes it bad and worst. It is in our hands to make it useful for ourselves and others. These are my opinions and may differ from others. Cheers!!!
Anger can be healthy... But only to an extent. And it will only work as long as we have control of it. When it gets too much, it can get really dangerous.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
@bruno-kema It can turn a gentleman into a wild man in seconds, very dangerous virus. Anyone can control it but is not that easy. Sometimes it requires counseling and anger management lessons to get over it.
Thank you for reading my article!!!!
That transfer of aggression where one takes out his anger at people or things around is really something that isn't very good and has to controlled. Thanks for sharing.
@emmaba1 it just keeps on boiling and then the big explosion, just as shown in animated movie "INSIDE OUT" 😁😁😁
that is sometimes uncontrollable and have bad impacts on the health and mental state. That person needs self-improvement and counseling at the right time or else it will easily spread and will be harmful in many ways....
I wish everyone would learn to live peacefully with each other. The world would really be a better place.
Thank God during your tender age you use to fight the did not break your leg lol. You have said everything right with experience I gain from your post. Thanks for sharing
@mosesessien I just laugh when I remember those old days, that aggression and anger was not required at times but in order to show others and to be a hero, it just went that way. I had some damages as well in those fights but nothing serious though :)
Thank you for reading my blog!!
You are welcome
Very well written, almost everyone gets angry at some time. But the hardest thing is to hold the calm. One thing I use to tell my husband and my kids learn to *IGNORE " it will help u alot. I belive thoose who react on everything also get more angry. But that dose not help u so sometimes its better to ignore, ❤️ to all of you 😊
@nazneen-ansari You are one of the most calm and relaxed person I have ever known same as Pappa :), you never get angry so, your advice is very important for all of us.
Thank you for reading my article Bhabhi G!!!
😊thanx, and we all have something to learn from eachother ❤️
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Yeah well said brother, if only we could utilize our anger properly then it will bring about the change we want else it destroys things the more.
@sholex94 Thank you for understanding and reading my article!!!