Hello friends of this community; The other day I heard someone at the gym say that “ignorance was a blessing” and all my life I have believed that ignorance in the long run will bring pain, we don't have to live in a bubble and constantly be like with our eyes closed thinking that ignorance is going to protect us.
The same thing happens with food, if we are not aware of the consequences of, for example, eating processed foods, consuming certain ingredients, then in the long run we are going to have to live with certain pain because we are going to get sick, maybe we will get cancer or We get heart disease from having consumed this type of things.
If we are ignorant we are also going to make worse decisions because the less information we have about the world the less we are going to understand what that reality is like and the less information we have the worse decisions we make because we cannot see everything that is out there and we cannot consider all these pieces that make up the puzzle.
That's why I always say that it is super important to work on our level of consciousness, which is nothing more than working on our level of understanding of the world, so that we can see other ingredients that are at play when we make a decision and that the decision What we make is the right decision, but we cannot remain in this ignorance because sooner or later ignorance will translate into pain.
Also being ignorant makes us more manipulable and this is convenient for governments, it is convenient for companies and anyone who wants to use us as a herd or who wants to take advantage of us, that is why I always try to invite you in my publications to question certain things. type of things, think before you act, don't follow trends or don't do what everyone else does, because I know that's how the system works, but if we wake up or open our eyes and have more information we can be individuals and if we are individuals We empower ourselves and if we have this power we can change things.
As long as we remain in this question of ignorance and think that everything does not happen, that the government is to blame for our economic situation, our health, that everyone has to do something for us, we will never take this responsibility in our lives and we will never We are going to be able to design it as it works best for each of us, that is why it is very important to always be learning, questioning things and constantly trying to gain more understanding about the world so that we do not end up in ignorance and suffering in the future.
I also believe that many times ignorance is a choice and even more so now with the internet, anyone with access to the internet can search for any information they need to improve their life, whether it is learning to eat better, improving their personal finances, their relationships, changing work and many more.
Saying that “ignorance is a blessing” takes away our power to change our lives, if I stay in that role of ignorance so as not to suffer, eventually I will end up suffering because what I need to change I will not be able to change and also think about it. Wait a moment, what would you prefer? If you had a terminal illness, would you like to know that you were going to die in three months or would you prefer not to know?
Personally, in this case I would prefer to know because it gives me at least the opportunity to do something to take care of my health, change my eating habits, exercise, meditate, think positively and do what makes you happy. ; I would feel more empowered to know that I can do something to save my life, instead of remaining in ignorance and in this supposed blessing living in a bubble for three months and dying at the end.
Why not better to try to do something to live longer and if I'm not going to live longer at least live with more awareness to enjoy those three months that I have left of life to the fullest.
Getting out of this ignorance empowers us because it gives us more knowledge, we understand more about the world, we can make better decisions when we have to decide something and it is most likely that this decision will be more correct than having made a decision with a low level of consciousness or starting from from ignorance and this applies to everything, if I am ignorant about the consequences of smoking, I will continue smoking or if I am ignorant about how companies manipulate me so that I continue consuming products that I do not need, I will pay the consequences with a stratospheric debt.
In short, they are just examples so that you can also think about other examples that can happen to us, and how knowledge will free us.
Yes, knowledge is power. What we know give us inner strength and courage.
It also gives us humility and inner peace.