We all want a change and dream of a different future, but the reality is that letting go of the current situation can be the most difficult, we cannot live in two realities at the same time, the life you have today was built by you in the past, so If you want a new one you have to change the current one.
The first step that is essential to be much more comfortable with your life and truly change it is to learn to let go, it is to detach yourself from your past, from external circumstances, from people, from ways of thinking that no longer contribute anything to you; Think about it, there is not much point in wanting a new love if you are still hooked on your ex, there is no point in wanting the job of your dreams if you don't let go of the job you have now that doesn't satisfy you, there is no point in expecting to have more money if you don't first leave it behind. those old beliefs that limit your growth and slow your ability to thrive.
As I have said before, we are moved by fear, feelings, we are afraid of the unknown, afraid that things will get worse, afraid of losing what we already have or not finding something better, so we cling, we try, we control, we manipulate and We beg people and insist on situations that no longer benefit us and that only keeps us more tied and more trapped in suffering when really all we need is a change and if you are not willing to let go nothing is going to change.
Holding on to anything, anyone, automatically blocks other opportunities, if you only think about your ex, how you think you are going to make room for someone new, if you want a new job, but you think you won't find anything better than your current one. , how you think you will attract that new opportunity.
It is vital to adopt the mindset that what is meant for you will find its way to you, you never lose what is meant to be a part of your life, if something leaves it is a sign that something better is on the way and that person or thing has already fulfilled its purpose with you; It is time to open yourself to new possibilities of trusting the process and preparing for the incredible that is to come, think of it as cleaning your closet now that summer is coming, but this time in your life.
Let go of what no longer serves you, memories that weigh you down, relationships that no longer add up, ideas that limit you; Open the window and let the fresh air enter your life, I know it's not easy, so first try to open spaces, let things go slowly, it's inspiring to believe that the best is yet to come, that there is more love, more laughter, more adventures waiting for you, is trusting that there is a world full of possibilities.
You have to decide to lead a philosophy of life without fear, without fear of yourself, to achieve a lifestyle that is more aligned with you, that makes you feel better, to try, to try, to know, to learn, to make mistakes. to correct; In fact, one of the things that has always helped me expand my mind and connect with new people has been learning languages because you can meet many more people, you can expand your knowledge, understand other perspectives and much more.