Strange insect behavior

Good morning to all my beloved hive friends♥️

Today I'm still in Banda Aceh to accompany my mother in the hospital so I can't do much today and luckily I saved some insect photos that I took a few days ago when my friends and I went for a walk in the forest.

I still remember that moment clearly, where a few days ago, I and some of my friends such as @jasonmunapasee, @jhonkiller, @arieswilly went for a walk in the forest to look for beautiful photos there, and when we arrived in the forest, we immediately scattered to go around the forest and take good photos.

I did so with great enthusiasm, and after passing through some tree branches and dense grass, I suddenly found this insect peeking out at me from behind the leaves.

When I met this fly, it suddenly hid behind the leaves and peeked out a little with its eyes. However, when I tried to take a picture of it, it suddenly flew to one of the tree branches, making it easier for me to take a picture of this fly.

Its cute behavior made me very excited to take a picture of this fly, and have you all ever seen a fly rubbing its hands together? Well, that is the action that Dalat does before he starts eating something.

But not long after, the fly suddenly moved away from me, and I tried to chase it again, but my efforts were in vain because the fly had flown very far. So I immediately decided to continue my walk around the forest to look for some other beautiful pictures.

Well, after walking for a few minutes, I finally found another insect that is in the same family as flies.

I might get a little emotional when I tell you about how I managed to take a picture of this fly. I managed to take a picture of this fly in 3 attempts, because this tool is really wild and immediately flew away when I started to approach it, even though I hadn't opened my cellphone camera but this tool had already flown away from me, what an annoying fly.

Its unique shape and shiny green color were ready to discourage me from trying to photograph this fly, and after experiencing several failures I was finally able to photograph this fly when it was off guard in one of the grasses.

And after taking some pictures of this fly, I immediately left it because I was still annoyed with the fly lol

I immediately continued my journey and finally I found a butterfly perched on one of the tree branches in the forest.

This is also one of the most annoying butterflies, because I had to experience 4 failures when photographing it, but as you all know I am someone who never gives up before getting the results I want, I keep trying to chase and wait for the right moment to photograph this butterfly, and in the end I managed to photograph this butterfly in just a few clicks.

So those are some of the pictures that I managed to take while I was in the forest, hopefully with some pictures and a little story from me I can entertain all my friends ♥️

Camera usedInfinix 10 pro
Lens108 MP
F-stopF 1,75
Iso speedISO 965
Focal length5 MM

My name is Riayat, often called Riyat by my friends. I come from Indonesia, precisely in the province of Aceh. I am a village child who likes to explore nature and likes to tell stories so this Hive blog is a very suitable platform for me



I really like your pictures, they look surreal 👍you edit them this way?


I am so happy to hear that you like my photography, thank you very much my brother ♥️
