(ES-EN) Duldas Shop; la alegría de algo dulce// Duldas Shop: The joy of something sweet


Hola amigos de Hive! Hace algunos días gané un sorteo de Instagram, dentro de los premios se encontraban unas mini donas, creo que de todos era el premio que mas me robaba el sueño junto a la limpieza facial de Afrodita Salón. Pero para recibirlo demoré puesto que me encontraba en casa en las festividades asi que hablé con la muchacha que los hace para que me los hiciera al retornar a Santiago de Cuba.

Asi lucen las mismas. Me preguntó si las deseaba con chocolate o leche, preferí leche porque últimamente he comido bastante chocolate.
Las estuve compartiendo con alguien más...pero ambos disfrutamos de estas delicias.

Inicialmente queria comprartirlas con más personas pero en realidad eran muy pequeñas y no valia la pena dispersar el premio ( en realidad me las queria comer sola jajajaja)

Mi parte favorita fueron las cositas de colores cuyo nombre no recuerdo, hacen que luzcan mas lindas y a la vez mas sabrosas. No deje absolutamente nada en el plato, de hecho no me lo comí porque no se podía jajaja.

Amo los dulces, así que pronto volveré a Duldas Shop, si eres de Santiago de Cuba te la súper recomiendo.

Las fotos son de mi propiedad

Hello Hive friends! A few days ago I won an Instagram raffle, among the prizes were some mini donuts, I think of all of them it was the prize that stole my sleep the most along with the facial cleansing from Afrodita Salon. But it took me a while to receive it since I was at home during the festivities, so I talked to the girl who makes them so she could make them for me when I returned to Santiago de Cuba.

This is how they look the same. He asked me if I wanted them with chocolate or milk, I preferred milk because I have been eating a lot of chocolate lately. I was sharing them with someone else...but we both enjoyed these delicacies.

Initially I wanted to buy them with more people but in reality they were very small and it was not worth dispersing the prize (in reality I wanted to eat them alone hahahaha)

My favorite part was the little colored things whose name I don't remember, they make them look prettier and tastier at the same time. I didn't leave anything on the plate, in fact I didn't eat it because I couldn't hahaha.

I love sweets, so I will soon return to Duldas Shop, if you are from Santiago de Cuba I highly recommend it.

0.099 NEOXAG