Silence never again, we must denounce



Nowadays, there is increasing awareness of many crimes that were previously committed and that often did not exist any type of penalty, as countries' legislation was often not yet adapted to certain new illicit acts, which meant that the Legislation would amend criminal codes, introducing and removing lines to adapt to our times.
From a young age I felt that I was bullied on several occasions, even when I was at school, especially in the first years of secondary school.


I never understood it very well at the time, because before there was no definition of this crime, or often these people felt comfortable making fun of others, especially me, for no apparent reason, often me and many like me, in the hands of these People are like dolls that they have fun playing with, making fun of and knocking down, often simply because they don't like that person or for some other reason, most of the time futile.
This bullying situation is not easy to be a victim of, we feel surrounded, no matter where we go, we just want to hide, many times I didn't even want to come during class breaks, or even at school, I felt this when I woke up in my bed I was waking up to a nightmare day and I just wanted to have time to go home to the comfort of my family.


This situation dragged on for a long time, but as I said before, at that time there was no definition of bullying in my country, there was something similar, but it was often not easy to prove, because these people intimidated us a lot. both me and other people who wanted to report them.
Nowadays children and society are more aware of this illicit phenomenon that is bullying, this crime destroys lives, destroys victims inside and out, and like my case a long time ago it ruined my joy of being a teenager.


Bullying is usually practiced by people who gather in groups, although sometimes it is more rare by just one person, and these groups intimidate victims and potential witnesses, today it is with great relief that I see that this problem is being faced and the people who They are victims of this crime, they do not have to continue to suffer with the society of my country and I think that throughout the world there has been an awakening to even report the cases they see and there is no longer fear of reporting.


In my case I didn't report it, time is usually our best advisor, I started to believe more in myself as a person and have more confidence and everything happened, but if it happened again today I'm sure what I would have done, I had to report it because if If I see something like this I will report it, I will no longer remain silent, because I know what I went through and I don't want anyone to be forced out of fear to go through this.


Bullying is one of the worst form of crime because it usually go unnoticed or overlooked, speaking up is the best solution
