Martial Arts - Sports or Self Defense

If you learn martial arts, do you learn martial arts because it is a sport or you can use it for self defense?

Are you inspired to see a champion who wins a fight?

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If yes, and you want to learn martial arts, you focus on sports. That's great! Nothing's wrong with that. We love to watch a fighting match like boxing, wrestling, MMA, UFC and so on. A fighter trains hard and he or she has the skills, that's why he/she becomes a champion.

If you want to be a champion and want to be like them, you can go for it. What you are passionate about and how you want to see yourself in the future, that's important.

There can be many reasons for learning martial arts. Most people learn a martial art for self defense. Fighting in real life for self defense is not a game. It is not like a fighting match, so there is no time limit when a fight starts.

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If you have any experience, you know that when your life is in danger, you have to make your move and deal with the situation. Other people can do something to save you indirectly but it is you who have to protect yourself.

You think that the police will come and save you. It takes some time for the police to reach the destination. So what would you do during this time? You have to make your move to defend yourself.

Marital arts is not just like kicking and punching. What you learned in your training, you will find it very useful. You can adapt to the situation. Only learning some techniques might not help you much. You have to learn how to strike and defend yourself. Being good at fighting is a skill.

What it is you want to do learning martial arts, that's up to you. You are in control. Thank you so much for reading this post. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

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Stay safe. Always be happy!

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