Time to Burn Down Burning Man...?

In the summer of 1986 a group of friends set fire to an effigy of a man during a San Francisco beach party. That event grew into the Burning Man festival, a vast gathering in the Nevada Dessert, a cultural phenomenon famed for it's 'leave no trace' spirit.

However nearly 40 years on that really isn't the case anymore. Festival goers may well 'leave no trace' on the immediate locale of the festival site itself, but local towns near the event are innundated with discarded packaging, clothes, tends and sleeping bags.

Organisers have estimated that the event accounts for around 100 000 metric tonnes of carbon emissions annually, the result of transporting 80 000 people and their equipment out into the dessert for a few days.

Today Burning Man involes huge recreational vehicals, air-conditioned glamping pods and a temporary airport.

And then there's the cost...

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Prices vary enormously, and there are a few budget tickets, but if yer just an ordinary person you'll be looking at somewhere in the region of $3000 - $5000 once you've factored in ticket prices and travel.

If you want to stay in an RV, then you're looking at $4000 to $8000.

So unless you're very wealthy, this is going to be your major holiday maybe once a year, or every other year.

And then there's the bullshit...

I mean the festival is a crock of shit, right, you have to be in the top 10% of income earners to be able to afford it, and then there's this ethos of 'stripping away all social status' but then part of the festival is unique outfits so you can express yourself, which again can cost thousands.

And of course status isn't irrelevant - presumably if yer VIPing it for >$10K you've got aircon, if you're down the other end you're going to be HOT all the time which is going to be pretty grim.

And I think we've already ascertained that it's NOT eco, not at all, clearing up after yourselves is something a 5 year old should have mastered, so if that's all they can celebrate, these really are the modern day ELOI (HG Wells reference there, folks).

It's not for me...

Honestly it's probably not going anywhere, so I just need to make sure I steer well clear of it, it would just wind me the fuck up!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


There is so much to unpack about this phenomena.

Very leftist, very anti-rule, very pro-woke (which is a very strict rule)

And this group is very unaware of its impact. Like you said, the desert flat is cleaned up, but not everything around it. Stuff, and even people are discarded all about the area.

Same thing happens with tree-hugger conventions. They go to pristine forests, and leave tons of trash, a huge number of new trails that have to be fixed, and lots of people who came for the free food, with no where else to go.

And the burning man "special" pavilions with AC are infamous. You just need to be richer to enjoy the event.


People left behind I can just imagine that! It is just about privilege this one I think!


I've never imagined going. I expect it's grown beyond the original ideals and some people just want to be seen to be there. In the real world my band are playing to a few dozen druids in a wood tomorrow :)


but if yer just an ordinary person you'll be looking at somewhere in the region of $3000 - $5000 once you've factored in ticket prices and travel

That is insane. For that much I could probably live for a year...With prices like that I would rather stay home and watch this:


When i went in 2009, in my RV, the ticket cost me $300 if i remember correctly, and i was driving down the west coast anyway to small travel cost.

i had a great time. You have some valid points however.
