Splinterlands SlumLords Lack of Progress...!

So the Splinterlands Land is now 98% developed... I've got 98% of my plots up and running, 1% under construction and well, just 1 final plot not developed, I just can't be arsed to stake more DEC.

Overall figures...

  • 8700 grain an hour supports...
  • 53 research an hour and
  • 11 SPS an hour
  • That requires 2.4M Dec staked.

Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 16.34.11.png

It's a slight negative on grain, but the Castle taxes make up the rest, which I claim every week.

The castle and developed plots in the region!

Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 16.33.18.png

It's not great, and there's only another 40 in production, it's a slow region I guess. Nothing I can do about this!

It's not fun. Literally nothing about land is fun.

The totem fragment experience is shit...

I've got a small fortune Vested in this game and I just got enough fragments for a common totem last week, talk about marginal. It's around an extra 0.5% return, it makes no difference to one's Vest decisions.

Land next steps...

There's been literally no development in the last three months so we are looking at probably another 12 months before anything significant happens.

Because it's all so slow and not really a game so to speak I'm not going to be Vesting more into Land.

I've devoted around 1/3rd of my PP to research, but this is a risk. I'm working on the principle that these are going to act like TCs and be able to speed up development in phase 2, but it occurred to me with horror today that they might do something for the 'Secret' akin to past airdrops with leaderboards - where the whales get a guaranteed 90% of everything and the rest of us get a chance of getting something.

So on that basis I'm going to reduce my research PP, stick some more onto SPS and just skim.

I'm seeing nothing that's encouraging me to Vest more into land at this stage.

I am also 95% certain that Land is going to be designed in the future to just suck resources into it. Don't want to get sucked into that!

So I'm holding level, skimming my SPS, swapping some for DEC and pooling and some for HIVE atm, that's the rational approach based on how slowly things have developed so far!

Honestly I think DEC-SPS pool may be the safest bet...!

Rather than swapping these two assets for cards or land, I might just pool a lot more of them. I might even sell some cards and land for these two.

It all moves together, after all, and returns on every asset ends up being arbed to be around the same I think, more or less!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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I'm close to getting two more plots up and running, I've had the GF cards from the get go, but found better uses for the DEC needed to back them up until now. I'm sticking to Grain production while its available on all land types.

I'm curious to see how the Grain LPs pan out, I can see myself playing about with LP's more than any other aspect going forward.

I found an interesting glitch when I added card to plots already under construction. The game told me "x days to completion", I hit that mark and poof !, 5 more days added to complete. Turns out the PP calculation was off in the game and the original completion date was inaccurate.

I'm going to focus on Grain, ore/metal bars and eventually enough wood production to feed my foundries, I'm also thinking about stone too, as wood and stone will be needed for building maintenance and upgrades. The snag is the more "supporting" infrastructure I have, the more grain production I'll need.

It's all conjecture until we see the quantities produced and required, but I think now is probably the best time to get the plots I feel I'll need, even if they are just sitting fallow for now.

If SCRIPT behaves and gets close to $0.70 in the near future I'll make some moves, until then, I'm not adding new cash and sitting tight


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