Splinterlands Slumlords Lack of Porgress Report Late Jan 2025
Splinterlands LAND is a ghostland, hardly anything has happened in the 10 weeks since my last report. Certainly in my region no one is doing anything, it's depressing!
I've added a tiny bit more to my DEC - probably about 10K in the last couple of months, but mainly the same as when I last reported 10 weeks ago.
That's a slight shift towards grain and away from Research in the 10 weeks since my last report.
- I've gained plus 400 grain an hour
- I lost 3 research points an hour.
- my SPS production has declined by -.5 SPS an hour but that's with the same PP, that's because it's from a shared pool
I decided to move away from research slightly as I don't know what it's going to be good for, however with the double points boost for research on magical plots I wanted to keep a decent chunk of my higher PP cards as it's worth proportionately more with higher PP cards boosted 100%.
I've got a nice grain surplus running now and if anything I'm going to put more on grain and move away from research even more!
A look at the region....
I have a castle so it's worth doing this because of my tax revenue, but it would seem I'm largely taxing myself....
Plots developed 276
And 100 of those are mine. I think there's four tracts completely undeveloped.
Being developed...30
Last time I reported there were 300 in total being developed or developed, so those being developed must be like REALLY slow!
The castle.....
This is at 1% capacity, I normally harvest when it's around 10-12%, every five days or so, so that's 100K GRAIN and 30SPS and then research, it's shit, no... $0.50 every five days or $3 a week yield from a castle
It gets worse: one of the big pulls of having a castle is the increased chance of getting totem frags, but I VERY RARELY get one from a castle harvest. Nothing for around 2 months.
Next steps...
After my next castle harvest I'm taking some of the higher mana cards off, they are wasted, the taxes are so low there's no point having so much PP up here, better off on just grain or SPS.
I'm also gonna move away from research and into grain more, ready for LAND 2.0.
Posted Using INLEO
I've been wondering about the purpose of research points ever since I started farming on my three measly plots. One of them is growing grain, the other one SPS, while the third does research, apparently without much purpose. However, taking a step back, even the SPS and the grain are fading into insignificance, as my enthusiasm for the entire game has been fading.
Now, seeing how the same thing applies to you too, even though you are much deeper in it, with a castle and close to a third of a region in your control... I am starting to wonder if that is a general tendency. It would certainly explain the low price of SPS, monster cards, and in fact land itself.
I think it's basically kept afloat by a small cabal of mega-investors who simply can't offload say 10M SPS or 200M DEC so they hold on, they're the ones buying more. We just have to hope things go crazy again during this Bull Run, either way I'm getting out at some point pretty soon.
Completely agree on the getting out part. But I also agree that now is not the time. So hopefully things do go crazy again. Like three years ago, the last time I felt excited by the game.
The new land requirements are pretty bonkers...!
I have some unclaimed PLOTS.
Was thinking about claiming one to say I'm participating in land harvest but I might just trade for an existing claimed plot instead or perhaps opt out of land harvesting for the time being.
It's whether you want to roll that dice and have a chance of getting a legendary plot!
Guilty as well, not spending much time here harvesting every one or two weeks when I think about it but no plan to invest more or buy more stuff to use all my land.
So quiet!
That's a depressing story. I do get Totems from my Keep quite often, and its usually one per week, and occasionally two. I would think you'd do better than me.
One per week is insane, nowhere near that, I do OK out the regular land harvesting, but the dice on the castle is shite.
One just hopes SL rises with everything else and then someone can have it for $20K no problem.