My two favoruite summer salads of 2024, and an amazing dressing!


Summer is salad season and I'm alternating between a couple of belters I've discovered...

For the salads, it's all about the base ingredients, and then you can just add in whatever intuitively feels like it might go!

I love a salad for lunch, I do, or really it's breakfast if you're doing IF and not having meal one until one!

Crispy tofu, grapefruit and kale salad...

This is unreal, trust me!


You can find the recipe here which has details about how to crisp the tofu, it's a bit of an art involving getting it quite dry first.

This one is all about the texture, but you can add avocado and also sesame and sunflower seeds go really well, even radish too!

NB - this is also ALL ABOUT THE DRESSING....

The Dressing

  • 2 tablespoons grapefruit juice,
  • 2 tablespoons tahini
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons honey or agave nectar
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • A slack teaspoon of miso.
  • Season with salt and pepper

Note the recipe linked above suggests 2 tbspoons miso too, BUT THAT IS JUST PLAIN MISO GRIMNESS WRONG! Less Miso I say!

Beetroot, carrot, halumi and watercress....

Root veg tastic!


You have to grate the carrot and the beetroot (RAW!) and then just finely chop the watercress, or rocket works really well, and you can chuck in some radish and pumpkin seeds and walnuts work as great additions.

The dressing

Same as above, but just leave out the grapefruit and miso!

These are prep hassle but worth it...

They take a good 15 mins prep time these but they are well worth it, but that 15 mins is factoring in making enough for two days!

I mean you may as well fry and crisp and grate MORE given the hassle of doing it in the first place.

And then sit back, eat and enjoy that max vitamin experience!

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I sometimes eat it for dinner and what I like is that you can make a salad however you want ;)
