Lost on the Black Mountains...


I headed out to the Black Mountains today for a supposed 14K walk. However, it ended up being a 22K walk as I got a little bit lost!

The walk was circular - along woods to start then up to the Offa's Dyke ridge and back down.

But it ended up being sort of circular when I took a wrong turn at almost the top and then about 3Ks later I realised I'd been going in totally the wrong direction and just lost my bearings....


My sense of direction really is that bad!

To be on the safe side I just doubled back on myself, more or less, thankfully it was easy terrain to find an alternative route down back to where I knew. Otherwise I'd be walking in the hope of finding a route down which may not have presented itself for miles!

It was still a nice walk and a killer step count!

Woody start!

The first few Ks were along a valley, by streams, or through them, and in woodland, very nice...


Then it turns gently up through some more woodland and up to the Offa's Dyke Ridge....


There were some nice views on the way up and at nearly the top.....


I learnt in retrospect that if I'd had just kept going for another 50 metres on my ascent I would have hit the actual Offa's Dyke Path, instead I turned left just before this and that's where I went wrong.....

Back along the road and a pub at the end!

So I clambered back down a steep gorse and fern non-route, I could see a road which I knew and just aimed for.

I had a quick apple and water break when I hit the road, the apple was the only thing I'd eaten that day, IF and all! This very tame peacock came wandering past...


It was then 7Ks back to where my car was parked, so I walked/ run that.

I tend to wear running gear when I walk, and take a proper running bag, so I can run if I get bored of walking or end up on a dodgy road. This road wasn't dodgy, but I was just sick of the walk at about 18Ks in so I ran to speed things up.

Found a nice pub at the end, stopped off for a pint of lime and soda, salted nuts and a coffee. NICE!

31K daily step total...

That's my largest step total in at least two years I think and for sure close to my all time max!

The walk was 22.5Ks and 28K steps in total, then I wandered into town for a coffee and cake after.

Lessons learned

Next time I know exactly where I need to go to hit the main path, I think I'll make a point of just going up from closer to the base and then out and back to get familiar.

And learn to map read, go with someone else, or maybe.... just get an app for next time!

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I usually check the alltrains app before we go anywhere and even the pokemon go game app then we are out and about it has a trails marked. Then again just winging it is half the fun.


That's quite a walk. I've been on a few runs where I got a bit lost. I always have my phone, but you have to decide whether to press on or just retrace your steps. On one run I ended up trekking through a wheat field. That was probably a mistake. You had some nice surroundings though.


I've been there and done that on runs before. I had a couple of teammates get lost in the mountains New Mexico and they had to send a search and rescue team to find them. Glad you didn't require services!


Crikey, that's aweful on the getting lost. I've been around some New Mexico mountains, serious stuff. Whistle and survival gear required I think!


100%, some of the trails we ran on were sketchy and it was definitely hot!


Not far from where my brother lives. Last time I walked Offas Dyke path a RAF Tornado screamed up the valley from Wales side - near died with fright


So sorry to hear about the incident of getting lost and that you ended up walking a lot more steps than planned. But I am happy nothing bad happened!


Yeah it wasn't much fun. I like to know where I am! Still as you say no great harm done and more steps!


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Gladly, you are safe! That's so adventurous and kinda thrilled, and you just enjoy it. Praying for your safe adventure.


The extra 8K was no waste, at least additional 8K calories were burned in the process. It's a good one you are doing here friend. Exercise goes a long way for healthy living


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I bet that peacock looked tasty after all that walking😆. Stay safe out there.
