Is it worth cross-posting yer Hive content to PublishOX...?

I've been cross-posting my Hive content to PublishOX occasionally for the last three years, earning typically a few cents per post, these days paid out in a combination of ETH and OPTIMISM.

OPTIMISM, it turns out, is a suitable word to describe my approach to cross-posting content on PublishOX, as it would take a significant increase in value of either token to make this practice worthwhile....

My average earnings per Post type on PubOX.

I've categorised earnings from 20 historical posts to give me an average. There's three main catetories...

  1. Splinterlands weekly challenge posts
  2. Bitcoin posts - posts about Bitcoin
  3. Other posts - any old random shit I feel like posting.

And my earnings per category are...

  • 18 cents for an SL post
  • 40 cents for a BTC post
  • 22 cents for anything else.

Average Publish OX earnings by category  (1).png

Hourly rate for cross posting

It doesn't take long to cross post, you basically have to...

  1. Login to Hive and PubOX
  2. Select and cut/ paste whatever content from Hive to PubOX
  3. Add an image (screen cap from content), select a blog, categorise and hit the five consents buttons
  4. If you want the SL vote for the weekly challenge posts, comment on the weekly SL challenge post.

All of this takes around 5 minutes.

So my hourly rate per post type is:

  • SL = $2.16 (or nearer $5 if you take into account the SL vote)
  • BTC = $4.80
  • General = $2.64 an hour.

Conclusion: Is worth cross-posting to PublishOX...?

For me it works out like this:

  • For Splinterlands content, just about YES, but only because of the upvote one gets on Hive from the SL curation account.
  • For everything else NO at current prices as I'm earning well below minimum wage, but YES if ETH etc. go up by five times in value, assuming I don't sell earnings into stables by that point!

Of course yer own personal answer may be different... copy and pasting to PublishOX is obviously NOT work, there's 0 stress in doing this mindless task, so perhaps you might think it's worth it based on how easy it is.

I mean one is still 'earning' crypto for no effort and no stress, the going rate for doing that is realistically well BELOW what the minimum wage is per hour, when you generally have to somthing society deems to be of some kind of value!



Offer some kind of reward on PublishOX for a comment or drive them to hive, just to see if your getting any readers or is it just bots


Work is subjective! If you are doing any action, then it can be considered "work". Even thinking is capable of being considered work. I don't support Publishox or post there, but I enjoyed this post. I see the value in sharing your content outside of this space but are you providing backlinks to the original post? Does copypaste content reduce the value of the original footprint or empower it? I used to post on a few different platforms that paid crypto but I found that HIVE is #1. Cheers!



I don't backlink but I might just start doing that! Hive dedo number 1!


Sort of worth it, but if you are feeling short-changed you could rip the last third of each blog out and replace it with '... see the full post at' ?


premium comment lol I wish I had the HP to qualify this for payout


I do the same, but I earn very little from Publish0x. I thought to leave it, however seeing the increase on the price of OP, I wanted to stay some more time.


I tried that some a while back (I think like three years ago) and found it not worth the effort. Could have been due to the type of posts that I was making being 'homesteading' related but meh!


I get more 2 - 10x views on p0x, but get pennies for all those extra "views" - here's this months articles.


content - splinterlands niche, maybe if it was crypto related it would do better, but who knows.
