A few of my favourite FREE circuit training workouts....
I've been feeling circuit training more than running of late, and while I do like a circuits class I've been holding off joining one as a) I don't have the readies, and b) my schedule is probably gonna change massively in January so I don't know if I can commit, so I've had to rely on online videos....
Thankfully there's a lot of decent free options to choose from and below are four of my faves.
I just pick whatever I'm in the mood for. You need dumbbells for a couple of these, but that's all:
Links are in the titles below!
Fitness Blender
My favourite, and I imagine many people have heard of this. A huge amount of varied workouts from whole body, upper body, lower and core and ranging from quick 15 minutes to an hour....
Iron Series
A bit more hardcore weights, and mostly classic weight training, I like the basics, and this women is toned as fuck... the abs!
Muay Thai Cardio Training
These are 45 minutes and you get to prance backwards and forwards and do lots of punching and kicking, and..... PRESS UPS! YOU KNOW YOU LOVE 'EM, REALLY!
375 Dance Studio
Lighter and the most fun, a great abs workout, lots of gyrating hip...
It's all about the variety...
I tend to do one of these 3-4 days a week (OK usually it's 3, along with 2 runs), and the variety helps a lot.
Mostly I do Fitness Blender, and occasionally one of the others.
I've also got my own basic routine which is a 20 minute squats, push ups, chin ups, presses and curls with abs, if I can't be arsed to switch the computer on.
And fun fact to keep the noise down I play these through headphones laying on the desk, I can hear just fine!
I'll be ripped no problem come summer with these, and I actually ENJOY doing them too!
nice one bro, good to keep fit!
Cheers, I enjoy it, breaks up the dayz!
It reminds me of the lockdown days :)
I think these vid workouts are a positive outcome of those dayz!
I ought to do more workouts besides the running. I used to do the 7 minute workout that does most of the body.
Ooh that looks like a good start the dayer!
You can do it multiple times depending on available time.
I might even check it out today!
If a person wants to live a good health and live a good life, then a person has to pay a lot of attention to exercise and daily routine matches size, then it has a lot of good effects on our health.