The childhood feelings of seeing airplane in the sky

I create my post in a way that, it must put a smile on your face and at the same time, exposes some of the things I have experienced once a time, that's because, i like to keep good energy, especially, to be happy.

Feeling excited has helped me forget most of my worries and then create a happy life for me, so I stick to it, since it is giving me what I like.

I recalled that we hardly see cars as kids, the only times we got to see motor cars was on christmas and it was the time that our aunty's and uncle's came home from the city, we always run to hugged them and get their bags, but this post wasn't about cars and christmas, it was about the feelings we got as kids, by seeing airplane in the sky.

By that time, we were little hunter's, we made catapult for ourselves and we hunt birds, it was always a happy things as we catches those birds, we play with them and gave them names.

On any day we see airplane passing in the sky, we always paused whatever we where doing and all our eyes will be on the sky, it gotten to a point that, we wish the airplane should land on our city field so that we can touch it.

This wishes we had came as a result of, when an elder told us that, in the city, he worked in the plane station as an aviation officer, and he has seen so many airplane, he always describe for us, how airplane is, and what airplane does before it kicked off into the sky.

We wish we could see all those things, but the field we wish airplane to lands one day wasn't it landing station, so our wishes didn't came to pass.

That was when I realized that, the things we wish for, if not inline with what we do, it might not come to pass, I got the experience as a kid and since then, I have been mindful of my wishes, I will first of all check the possibility, if it's related, then I will wish for it, but if not, I would not bother.

There was a day my brother called me out of the house to come and see a beautiful airplane in the sky, I was trying to chew my share of biscuits that mum bought for us, but with his loud called, and me as well, I was in Iove with airplane in the sky, I rush out of the house, on the process, I stepped on my biscuits, I didn't know what to do, if to continue to go and see the airplane in the sky or if to stayed there and packed my biscuits.

I was confused for some seconds and before I went out, the airplane has gone far away, I saw it but it wasn't much as I would love to watch it, I told my brother about how I stepped on my biscuits because of his called to see the airplane.

He sorry me, then gave me his own biscuits, I combined the remaining of mine with his own and we both chew the biscuits together.

I love what technology is doing in this sense, because children's get to see airplane and all kinds of cars on the internet, life is good with technology.

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