My Cleaning Exercise Activity for 26th day of January 2025
Good Evening frens! I am really glad to be given this privilege to be in this wonderful, great and united community of ours to be able to share with you all how I spent my day and also how I participated in the cleaning exercise activity for today being the 26th day of the month of January and the Year of 2025.
How did your day today go? I know that it really went well just like mine did too. My day really was fruitful, if I were to say how it went. I started the day with a Jellof rice with egg and the meal really went well. After eating, I took my bath and went out to share the truth of God's kingdom to those who are really deserving of the word.
It really went well as people of different kinds would listen to us and hear the wonderful things that we had to share with them. It was really satisfying indeed. All thanks and praise goes to he who made it possible - Jehovah. After the ministry I retired to a place where I had to spend my afternoon and evening and late afternoon in.
I finished my cleaning exercise activity there and below are the images I took as I started my cleaning exercise activity while I'm the ministry:
I love to do the cleaning exercise and I will continue doing my best in it.
Special grand greetings to @cleanplanet and @cleanyourcity as well as @solarwarrior.