A market can be formed
because there are sellers and buyers,
the existence of goods or services
bought and sold, and happened
agreement between the seller and
buyer. Basically the market stands
because people want to get it
various necessities of life.
Markets are born from the desires of a few
people to obtain materials
need. In the beginning the transaction
in the market is done by exchanging
exchange goods owned by
desired items, such as
between farmers and fishermen with
exchange production results
each of them. In connection
This market functions to bring people closer together
distance between consumers and
manufacturer in implementation
transaction. The market plays a role
expedite the distribution of goods and
services from producers to consumers.
At first exchange
can take place anywhere
place. Gradually it happened
agreement to determine
a location for bartering.
In further developments
transactions are carried out with
using currency, so
people who don't have it
things can be fulfilled
needs by purchasing
with existing currency
agreed. Here the market works
as a basis for forming prices.20240603_094229.jpg