A Dusty Walk - Waiting for the Rain!
The last couple of months have been pretty busy. Some days, I feel like a jumble ball, throwing around all day, and then I return home to get some rest. But again, it's a blessing to have busy days, right?
I was thinking about all this while waiting for my son's tuition to end so I could pick him up and return home. Fortunately, there's a park nearby where we can sit; otherwise, there's no other place, and we have to consider a second option.
Winter is very dusty here. A public park doesn't always look very colorful but is mostly dusty this time of the year. Also, because of a lack of maintenance, it's not a place you would like to spend your time. But I had no option.
Another thing is the homeless and drug addicts, although they rarely harm anyone. But it doesn't feel safe out there. So I waited in front of the park, where many other parts were there too.
But it's okay, it's watching the birds and the trees, and the sky. The time went by.
I usually don't wait rather pick my son up later before the sunset. But I had some work nearby and thought to return home along with him that day.
Knowing the fact that I live in the most populated, on top of the list of globally unlivable cities because of pollution; I sometimes feel like my life experience is kind of better. Because it could be worse than this in every way possible.
We didn't leave any place to breathe, walk around, or take a rest in this city but there are millions of highrises only. There are a few parks here and there but the condition is just like what you are seeing, dusty, not well-maintained, full of homeless and drug addicts, and whatnot!
I returned home by the rickshaw. The white shirt is the man pulling the rickshaw manually!
Yes, this is what life looks like here; raw, frugal, full of hustle and bustle.
I'm waiting for the rain to wash off the dust; not just from the surroundings but from my life as well. I never thought about settling in any other country, and even given the chance I might not go. But I want to go back to my hometown, the countryside, which is still very green and life is still not like this back there.
I'm waiting for that to happen and praying to happen soon.
Greetings! It has been a pleasure for me to read you today. The important thing here is that despite being quite busy days you focus on seeking serenity, and the beauty of small everyday things, like the flight of birds. Yes, it's good to have a lot of daily activity, indeed a blessing, but wow you have to connect with the spirit to endure long days and come home to renew yourself. Walks are an excellent cure for the mind, I'm glad you consider them, and thank you so much for sharing with us 🙏
Sure, it's the everyday thing that needs more appreciation. There's nothing much significant going on, yet life is flowing and taking us where we are meant to be.
Sometimes I wish for so many things and forget to appreciate what I have. Your words gave me a nice perspective. Thanks for this.
Have a wonderful day 🌸🌿🌼
You've been curated by @amazingdrinks! Delegations welcome!
Just like when it doesn't rain for a long time, in the same way we feel that things are getting worse and things are beautiful only after it rains, the trees start to look beautiful.
Rain is what keeps us alive. But when it rains I kind of hate it. lol
Have a good day 🌼🌿🌸
Have a good day to you too.
Good morning dear friend @rem-steem
We often complain about busy days, however it can be a blessing
Here we are also waiting for the rain to come and calm the temperatures a bit
Thank you very much for sharing this experience of a Wednesday walk
I thought the other half of the world was cold right now; I'm wrong then!
Thanks for being part of my experience sharing.
Have a great day 🌸🌿🌼
Good Morning
BUsy days can both me a nightmare and good in that then the day goes faster, which in itself may be a good or bad thing
I hope you got some rain to settle the dust
Living there sounds so challenging and I can understand you wishing you could move particularly to the countryside
Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day
Yes, yes; it's a nightmare sometimes and some other days I appreciate the most. Thanks for making the space to share our visual journal.