6 Year Anniversary celebration for Splintelands

Hello and Namaste Everyone

I am not a gamer and, to be honest, I never had gaming skills like some fantastic players who are too good at gaming. But I also believe that practise makes you perfect and the same rule applies in my case about my gaming journey on splinterlands. Its four years for this fantastic journey because it started on March 20 20 and now it is May 2024 so this journey has surely completed slightly more than four years. I would say that it has been a fantastic journey and I have seen this game growing in the last four years. I don't know how it was when I was not part of it but since the day I have been part of it there have been so many changes and improvements over the years.


My Game Discovery

I think that this is the game where we can get to know about many places including blogging on this platform and also from social media but I got to know it through social media. Later I also paid attention to the articles published on this platform at that time it was the legacy chain. That is not important because I am now part of this game as a player so I can say that earlier I started just for the fun but later I started investing. I had no plan to invest in the game in the beginning but later I had to because I wanted to experience the best gaming experience as per my level and I did. It was a good decision to invest in the game when the cards were available at a low price. I have not withdrawn anything from the game account because I believe that these sets are going to be very valuable and it is just a matter of time.

Time Spent in Splinterlands

Earlier I used to spend a lot of time on the game especially if I talked about the pandemic time because at that time I had no job and I along with my son used to play a lot of games every day. Now things have slightly changed for me and I'm able to spend about half an hour to 45 minutes a day gaming I think this is good enough for me as of now but maybe in future if I feel like my schedule is better I can spend more time. Needless to mention the more time you have makes the gaming experience even better because you can try different strategies and play more battles by purchasing more energy in the game.



I think there are many accomplishments for me in this game and one of the best that I can say is that I hold plots in the land which I think is something that I'm very happy about. Although I am not able to utilise them properly because I have limited resources in my game account that's fine because at least I'm holding a couple of assets from the land which are of course valuable and I am expecting that in future the value will go exponentially. Again I can't predict the future but let's be hopeful when things are right the value will come automatically let's wait for that moment and time so that we can be happy with our in-game journey and also with the value of assets that we hold.


There are many goals that I'm trying to achieve but I think it will take some time because all these goals are for the long term. The primary goal which I am trying to pursue is to have 100 thousand sps tokens in my game account and there is a gap between what I hold and what I am aiming to have. To be honest I can't say how much time it will take but I'm dedicated and focused on this goal so I'm very sure that one day I'll be able to achieve this milestone which can happen this year or maybe the next year depending upon the market price and how much money I can invest in the token. Apart from this, I am also planning to have a complete deck from the latest card edition which is called Rebellion but that will be on my list only after I achieve the sps goal because I believe sps is still more valuable and I don't want to miss this opportunity. This is why I'm focusing more on SPS for now. I hope that things work well and go in my favour so that I can achieve my S P S token goal soon.

If I need to summarise my gaming journey then one word would be enough to explain it well and it is going to be fantastic. A fantastic gaming journey that I have experienced and since I come from a non-gaming background I had no idea how it works in the blockchain. I'm glad that I was able to join this game at the right time I have seen the time when the S P S value was very high and people were very happy with the game but now some people are not happy which is fine because at the same time the entire community can't follow the same sentiments. The price for S P S is low but I'm not concerned because I'm still hoping that things will improve over time and I'm waiting for that time for I'm not going to fill anything instead I will continue to accumulate whatever is possible based on my investing appetite.


[Images are taken from splinterlands wherever the image source is not mentioned]

Thank you so much
Stay Safe

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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