SeaPhotography: Tide’s Out


This Week the #seaphotography contest theme is:


In an earlier post I mentioned I intended to return to Pownal Bay to see if the seals were still there.

On impulse, Hubby and I took the red dirt road off the main highway and stopped by the Bay yesterday on our way to Charlottetown.

It was a warm day with temp at 30 c (86f). Not a day to travel the dirt roads if you just washed your car as a trail of dust followed us down to the water.

The tide had gone out leaving the rich red soil covered with seaweed and shells.

Just as well I didn’t see any seals ~ I didn’t have my trusty canon camera with me. I only had my phone to take photos.

A water craft, possibly used for cruising the water was left anchored out from the shore.

In the following photo it looks like a raft used in swimming left for folks adventurous enough to swim to, when the tide comes in.

About tides…

High and low tides are caused by the moon. There is a period of 6 hours and 12.5 minutes between a high tide and a low tide. There are two high tides and two low tides each day. One cycle of tides takes 24 hours and 50 minutes.

The moon's gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force. The tidal force causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the moon and the side farthest from the moon. These bulges of water are high tides.

Wild flowers cling to the sides of the entrance to the bay.

The red gravel road to the Bay.

Road on the way back to the main highway.

For more information on @marc-allaria’s contest check Here.

2.347 NEOXAG


The phones produce such good quality photos nowadays that often I think of leaving the heavy camera at home and take the photos with my phone, which I have with me anyway, but I seldom do that.

The photos are lovely, Jo, and I have learned a lot about the tides that I already had forgotten since I was at school 😀

Wishing you a great Wednesday, dear Jo 🤗🌞

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV and !WINE

0.114 NEOXAG

Hi Hannes. It seems I have so many images in my photo file, I should be thinning them out instead of adding more. 😃 But there is always something different one comes across and the camera comes in handy.

I was thinking of getting a new phone that takes better closeups and not have to remember the camera but this phone isn’t that old..maybe when it gets full. I find the phone good for landscapes but not for picking up details on flowers or animals.

Thanks dear Hannes for everything. Your Wednesday is about over so I will wish you a wonderful Thor’s Day! 🤗

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Good morning Jo,

oh yes, I also have so many photos although I don't get out that much at the moment. But they are all memories which will remember me on my best times when one day I might not be able to get out anymore. But this day is still far, far in the future 😃

I have a Chinese Xiaomi phone that also takes quite good landscape images, but I haven't done much more than taking quick snapshots with it yet.

You know, it's always a pleasure 😃

Yep, Wednesday is over and it's Thor's Day morning. It's cloudless and I think we will get another hot Summer day.
In a few minutes my wife and I will hop in the car and drive 3.5 hours to visit our daughter in Lower Austria and I think I will be mostly offline in the next days.

Wishing you also a great Thor's Day and a wonderful weekend, dear Jo 🤗🌞

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

0.111 NEOXAG

Have a wonderful weekend visiting your daughter, Hannes. 🤗

Out temps have cooler down now. The heavy rain was a welcome relief.

0.000 NEOXAG

Thanks a million, Jo 😊

We are also having rainy days and it has cooled down quite a bit - on my hike this morning I almost needed gloves ❄️ but as you said, it is a welcome relief.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, dear Jo 🤗🌞

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

0.000 NEOXAG

So easy to get busy and forget a camera Jo. Thank goodness for trusty iPhones as they can capture scenes well I think. I really liked the colour of the red dirt roads - the colour stood out very well. Nothing nicer than a drive to check out nature or animals. 💜

0.112 NEOXAG

Thanks Angie. It was a pleasant visit off the main roads. I always think the red soil that covers the Island gives it a happy feel.

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Tides you experience have massive high and low compared to water levels indicated, now how did you leave home without a camera?

Seaweed a strong possibility for future food, also excellent to have keeping water clean, our Cape waters have the forests not much up here where I live.

Have a great day Jo, and a wonderful rest of the week.


0.115 NEOXAG

I don’t know how many times I left the camera home when I thought we weren’t going to take a back road to see different sights. I’ll have to leave it in the car. 😆

The tides here do have massive highs and lows. A good time to search for sea glass and other treasures when the tide is out.

Thank for the visit and wine, Joan have a great rest of the week!

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Hunting beach treasures good enough fun to go with camera never knowing what you may find.

Have a fabulous Thursday sorry for late reply.

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Defending our natural habitat.🙏👍

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Yes it’s nature here at its raw best. Thanks for the visit. 😊

0.000 NEOXAG

Thanks for Protecting Nature @redheadpei
Looks lovely and peaceful

Seaweed makes great compost for green leafy plant growth once the salt has been rinsed out.

0.000 NEOXAG


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@johannpiber(1/15) tipped @redheadpei (x3)

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0.000 NEOXAG

Nice photos. Thank you for your participation

0.000 NEOXAG

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 118 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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