Why Buy Real Luxury When Fake Luxury Is Cheaper?
Most of us choose to buy fake luxury for obvious reasons, which is money, because we can’t afford the original luxury. The difference in price between the real and the fake luxury is so much that when you consider the price, it’s reasonable to buy the fake. For instance, I bought a fake bike shoe for $25 but the original is $125, you almost can’t tell the difference between both. But real and fake luxury was created for a purpose, real was obviously created and fixed at higher prices because of their value and for anyone that can afford it.
Luxury and its value differs and its relative amongst people, two people can be rich but have different ways to spend their money. Two rich people can be rich and be into luxury spending but have different values for how they spend their money on luxury. Two people can be rich, while one buys the original luxury the other will buy the fake luxury because they think buying the original luxury is a waste of money even though they can both afford it. Depending on the kind of luxury you buy, but it has shown that buying original luxury items with second hand retail value is more better and cheaper to buy than buying a fake luxury item.
Although this depends on how you analyse it, if you are looking at physical luxury items then we can say it is cheaper. Lets use a limited edition Louis Vuitton bag for instance, you are presented two Louis Vuitton bags, one is original and cost $10,000 and the other is fake and cost $1,000. The difference between the original and the fake most times is the material and the durability in the material used to produce them. The original is made from a durable material and carefully crafted and has an original trademark to differentiate it from the fake. While the fake is made with inferior material, its not durable, for obvious reasons. The fake was produced with inferior material to reduce the cost of production.
So imagine using an original Luis Vuitton bag for 10 years and after 10 years you sell it for $10,000 because its limited and its the original. This means you have spent $1000 every year for the past 10 years using the product, now you have sold it and gotten your money back. So technically you used the original Louis Vuitton bag for free which is far cheaper than buying the fake for $1000, used it and threw it away.
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