The Cheese Journey

Today I finally left my house to the mall to go get some cheese, because I have been craving this melting cheese sandwich for a while now. Lately I have been learning to satisfy my cravings shouldn’t let them end on just thoughts of cravings, we need to make ourselves happy. I googled how to make the melting cheese sandwich, looked doable, heard I need a mozeralla cheese for it. So I went to go get some mozerella cheese, got into an Uber and went straight to the mall.


Got to the mall, went straight to the cheese section and saw varieties of cheese, I didn’t know where to start from, they were too many options, good packaging, different shapes and sizes, then I thought of cryptocurrencies and having these options. This is how I feel when I want to trade cryptocurrencies, I have multiple options, so which one should I pick? I love choosing my coins based on market cap, lower market, better profit potential, higher market cap, Less profit potential. So I thought of buying the cheapest cheese , to see if I can get same quality for lesser price, being my first time trying the melting cheese sandwich, buying the cheaper one saves me the risk, just incase it doesn’t come out good or as expected.

I got the cheap one I went home, I am in my kitchen trying to make it. I tried to make this post about crypto, but sorry, nothing came up, so here I am writing about my day, I just want to keep up my writing streak.
