Making Money Spending Valuable


Thirty years ago, it cost less to acquire most of the basic things we have today. I am obviously not talking about the technological products I am talking about basic things like food, shelter and clothing. Today, the price of food is very high, the price of rent and houses is increasing and the price of clothes are also increasing. While this is happening, inflation is also increasing, it’s costing people way more to achieve their dream than it used to cost people in the past. With $25k you can afford to buy a house in the past, but today, you can’t anymore.


Now let’s go to little things like grocery shopping, it’s more expensive to go grocery shopping, but if you are living in a country that fully depends on import than exports, then you are doomed in terms of cost of living. In purchasing goods from your store, those goods went through a lot of chain processes before they got to the place where you are currently seeing them and buying them. They are lots of middlemen involved and these people always want to make profit from these businesses thereby increasing the cost to get them to the end users, thereby costing a lot to purchase by the finally consumer.

This is something a lot of countries who depends on import experience, imagine a corrupt country placing import duty cost to be very high, making it really expensive to import cars to the country, thereby making cars expensive to buy in the country. Same goes with little things like Clothes, shoes, electronics and every other imported goods. But if you are living in a well developed country that doesn’t totally rely on importation, it will be advisable to go buy your goods and products from the direct source or the ideal source online, this way you cut off the middle men and it reduces the cost of spending thereby giving your more for less money compared to the amount you would buy it in retail stores.
